Chapter 4: It's so cold

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After 30 minutes of eating........

"Boy, this was good!" I said jumping around.

"Jack, you might not want to do that when you just finished eating. You might get a stomachache" Elsa said with poise.

"Oww, too late" I said holding my stomach.

"Maybe you should lie down on the couch for a while."

"No, I'll just go to my room"

I tried to fly but my stomach just hurts so much.

"I can't move" I said.

"Let's carry him on the couch" Elsa said looking worried. She turned to Anna.

"Don't look at me" Anna said pointing to herself.

"Well, where's Kristoff?" Elsa said.

"He's at the North Mountain, collecting ice for his ice business" Anna said standing up

Ouch! It hurts so much!!!!!

"Oh okay. Well I guess I'll have to try."

Elsa started carrying me. She kind of struggled with putting me on the couch.

"Wow, Jack. You're so heavy." Elsa said smirking.

"No I'm not!"

Anna started laughing her head off!


"Does it still hurt?" Elsa asked me worried

I groaned. "Yeah"

"I'll get the pain reliever application thingy" Elsa said walking away.

"Are you okay Jack?" Anna said walking towards me.

"Not really"

"You poor poor thing" Anna said "Do you want me to get you a glass of water?"

"That would be great thanks. I don't want cold water right now though"

"Okay, I'll get you a glass of warm water". Anna started walking away.

"I'm back!" Elsa suddenly shouted. "Where's Anna?"

"She just got a glass of water"

"Well, I got what you need" Elsa said.

"Here Jack, a glass of warm water"



I'm worried about Jack. I have never handled a situation like this before.

"Here Jack I'll put this on you. Lift your shirt up" I said.

"Umm....." Jack said scratching his head.

I'm feeling really uncomfortable and I think Jack is too.

"I know you feel uncomfortable and so am I but, let's just get this over with" I said nervously.

"Yeah okay."

He put his shirt reaviling his...... very hot body. Wait what? Elsa focus!!!

"Umm, okay. Let me just put this on you." I said.

I put some pain reliever on my hand and started to put on Jack's stomach. Wow, this feels so weird! His skin was.... warm and smooth. My thoughts were interrupted when...

Jack groaned again. "It hurts!!!"

"Maybe you need to go to the bathroom"

"I don't"

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