I Can See

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One thing you love about Matt is that he wants closeness as much as you do. Being blind, he's constantly touching you in some way, wanting to feel that you're there. He'll hold your hand while walking in the streets, intertwine your legs as you fall asleep, or hold you as you sit on the sofa. This is one of those times. You're sitting on the sofa and he's maneuvered you so that your legs are strewn across his lap as he holds an ankle.



"If you could see again, even if it was just for a day or 48 hours, would you want to?"

"Yeah, of course." He pauses. "Why?"

You shrug. "I know that if there was a 'miracle cure' for deafness, the vast majority of deaf people wouldn't want it. To people in the deaf community, being deaf isn't something to fix, rather, it's something that needs to be accepted. It's a huge culture in it's own right. I didn't know if you had a similar viewpoint about your blindness."

"I guess that makes sense, but the blind don't have their own culture like the deaf do. Maybe it's different because I wasn't born blind. A guy I used to be close with told me that sight is just a distraction. He was born blind, so I don't know. I've gotten used to it now, and most of the time I can see what he meant by that; but yeah; I'd love to see again." He pauses. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering."


The next day you come home from work and find Matt in the kitchen starting on dinner. You run over and put your arms around his waist as you kiss his neck.

"What has you in such a good mood?" He smiles.

"I have some news for you."

"What is it?" He tilts his head to the side, curious.

"I was talking to Wanda Maximoff today-"

"Wait, one of the twins that started working with the avengers recently?"


"How were you talking to her?"

"I can't tell you what the circumstances were but-"

"What? Are you a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?" He laughs.

You pause a moment too long trying to think of a way not to straight up lie, and he stops what he's doing.

"Wait, you are?" He turns around, disbelief written all over his face.


He hears your heartbeat speed up and cuts you off before you can lie. "You are." He lets out a breath and shakes his head, shoving you away from him. "Was anything ever real with us or am I just a mission? Do they know about me?"

"Matt!" You yell over his panicked questions.

He shuts his mouth and waits for you to continue. "Yes I'm an agent, but you're not supposed to know that because we're not married, so keep it to yourself. No you're not a mission, I found you by myself and I fell in love with you. That, and everything else between us, has always been real. And no, they don't know you're Daredevil. I've never told them despite the fact that they're trying to figure it out."

He sighs. "I'm sorry. It just scared me. I love you, I don't know that I could handle losing you." He ducks his head and opens his arms to you.

You hug him for a moment before pulling back and resting your hands on his hips. "It's alright, I freaked out too when I found out about you. Now can I tell you what Wanda and I talked about today?"

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