Spooky Spooky Spooky

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You're scared. You know it's stupid, illogical, but this knowledge doesn't change anything. You don't even know what you're scared of. You know that the movie you and your friends watched is a work of fiction. That... thing isn't going to come get you. But you can't shake the feeling of pinpricks on your back. You don't even want to move around the apartment. Because somehow, the back of the sofa and your blanket is going to protect you from this nonexistent threat. Well, that and the vigilante ninja sitting with his arm around you.

"Y/n, is something wrong?" Matt asks, concern lacing his voice.

"No, I'm fine. Why?"

He sighs. "Your heart is racing, and even without hearing your heartbeat, I know you well enough to know when you're lying. Like you just did."

"It's nothing Matt. I promise."

He tilts his head to the side. "Are you- are you embarrassed?"

"Oh put your super analyzing and your super ears away."

He chuckles. "I can't help it."

"Well, we both know that's a lie."

"You're right. I just- I have a hard time not perceiving you in every way I can."

"Kiss my ass Murdock."

"I was trying." He grins.


By sunset, you get your first trick or treaters. It's just a family with two little ones, who look up and ask what you guys are for Halloween. Matt gestures to his glasses and takes his cane from where it's leaning on the wall.

"I'm a blind guy."

The parents look moderately horrified, but the kids take it and run.

"If you're blind, what am I dressed as?" The little girl challenges.

"I don't know, I'm blind."

The little girl crosses her arms and scrutinizes Matt for a moment.

"She's studying you, Matt; you better not be lying."

Matt chuckles. "Alright, how about I give you some candy, and you let me off easy."

She seems satisfied with that and holds out her bag as her brother joins her.

For the next few hours, you put on some Tim burton movies and wait for the next knock on the door. As kids come to the door and see Matt, they ask with varying degrees of bluntness if Matt's really blind. After proving his blindness, he'd guess everyone's costumes, before handing out the candy.

You don't know how he's so good with the kids- you never have been- but it's so sweet to watch. It's the best Halloween you've had since you were a kid. It definitely beats getting drunk, and waking up with some idiot who dressed up as a nightstand. (Who knows, if you play your cards right, you could wake up next to Daredevil.)

As the night goes on, fewer and fewer people are knocking at your door, so you decide it's time for you and Matt to do something together. "Want to watch a movie?" You ask Matt. "Or listen to one while I talk over it?"

He chuckles. "Isn't that what we've been doing all night?"

"Those were just background noise for ambiance."

"Ah. Okay, so what are we watching?"

"What do you want to watch?"

"You're the movie buff." Matt points out.

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