I Wondered if I Ever Crossed Your Mind

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A/n: Requested by @LillyWillow13: You get in a fight with your best friend's abusive ex, and he presses assault charges. You hire Matt and Foggy as your lawyers.

"You better get a fucking lawyer because I'm suing your ass!"

"Good, maybe you'll actually have to face some consequences when I tell the jury why I beat your ass!" You yell as he storms down the hall. You're brought down from your righteous fury when your friend touches your arm. "Are you okay?" You soften when you turn to her.

She nods, wrapping you in a hug. "Yeah. I'm just glad you were here." She says into your shirt.

"Me too."

"Y/n, I could tell he was serious about getting a lawyer."

"Yeah, so was I."


And that's how you ended up at the law offices of Nelson and Murdock. Because what's better than getting a lawyer? Getting two. When you stumble across them, you note that you used to know a Murdock. You doubt it's the same one, though. In any case, this firm has an outstanding reputation among locals, and from what you hear, they're paid via fruit baskets and baked goods. Which won't sustain them for long. Being a good Samaritan in a place like Hell's Kitchen will put you out of business real fast. Which is why you're glad you can cover their fee. Helping out a local firm that still has a zeal for justice while wiping the floor with your friend's ex? It's a win-win.

When you walk into the firm, you're greeted by a beautiful blond. Before she can get past a polite introduction, a portly man, with long hair, and what you can only describe as zany style walks out of the office to the left.

"Do I hear a client?"

"You do." Karen confirms, introducing you.

After your name leaves Karen's lips, you hear a crash come from what must be Murdock's office.


Matt is finishing up some paperwork when he hears Foggy step out of his office. He tuned out your first introductions, so he listens in as Karen introduces you to Foggy. Then he hears your name. It echoes in his mind, and he starts focusing his senses on you. Your smell, your voice, you. The second it clicks, the second he knows you're the girl he used to know, he loses all self-control. Which is alarming enough; Murdock's- or at least this Murdock- isn't known for losing control of himself so easily. But yet, before his brain can catch up with his body, he's sprinting into the reception area, all pretense of a regular blind man forgotten as he all but knocks you down with the force of his hug.


Foggy and Karen just stand there in shock for a while before they start wondering if they should try to pry the vigilante ninja off their client. You seem confused, but you're awkwardly patting his back, so they let it be.

"Looks like I don't need to introduce you two." Karen says when Matt finally steps back.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind someone bringing me up to speed here."

Matt takes off his glasses as if that will help you recognize the grown man before you as the boy you knew growing up. "Y/n, it's me. It's Matt."

Then it hits you. Matt Murdock. The neighbor boy you'd play with virtually every day growing up. The one who lost his sight, and his father, but still made sure to keep in contact when he went to the orphanage. The one you lost when your mother packed your bags and moved the two of you as far as she could from your father. "Matt? Like, Matt Matt?"

He lets out a breath of relief. "You know, the more you say my name, the stranger it sounds."

"Oh my god!" And it's your turn to fling yourself into his arms. "Matt, it's you!"

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