Disney Movie Date Night

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Matt hopes you won't mind. You are his friend after all, and friends help each other. Though this is sort of one sided. You're more of an acquaintance, and Matt hopes that one day you can be a friend (maybe even more). For now though, he'll have to settle for listening to you. He worries that if he tells you about it later- and he hopes you'll get to a point where he can- that you'll think it's creepy. If he's being realistic- which he always is- this is creepy. Which brings him full circle. He hopes you won't mind. The thing that puts his mind to rest is that it's 100% innocent.

His senses get overwhelmed at times, and sometimes meditating doesn't work. That's when he focuses his senses on you. He has a sense of your privacy. He switches his focus when he hears you in compromising situations, or in moments when you need to be alone. Now that he's thinking about it, he only listens to you when you're at peace, or you're being silly. His favorite times though, are when you're cleaning. 80% of the time you turn on Disney music and dramatically sing and act along. Sometimes you're a little off key, but your perfect inflection, and the body language picked straight from the films make up for it. As he sits, using his radar sense to picture you, he's never been more grateful for it. Well, maybe when it saved him from a few bullets, but this takes a close second.

He doesn't talk about it much, in his life there's always something more important, but Disney has a special place in his heart. It's the bit of pop culture he can cling to when he doesn't keep up on any new films or TV shows. He only knows bits and pieces he's picked up from Foggy, or big ones like Star Wars, and Jurassic Park/World. It's one of the things he remembers seeing, and thus, something he holds dear. This recent twist you've brought to it only makes it that much better for him. Maybe that's why he can't force himself to stop listening to the girl in the apartment downstairs.


The next time he runs into you, his troubles melt away for one small moment. He's a school boy again, nervous around his crush. As you notice him, he can at least take comfort in your quickened heartbeat and heated skin on sight of him.

"Hey Matt."

"Hey." He smiles in an effort to calm your nerves and disguise his, but the sight only makes your heart flutter more. This in turn, makes his smile turn into a poorly concealed grin.

You might have commented on it if you weren't struggling with what you've decided to ask him. "So, please forgive me if I'm being forward. Um, I don't see a ring, and whenever I've seen you with a girl, she's a different one." You pause to kick yourself for not getting to the point quicker. "What I'm trying to get at is: are you single?"

His grin has only widened since you started rambling. "I am."

You let out a relieved breath. "Okay, with that trainwreck of an intro, would you want to go in a date with me sometime?"

"Yeah. I'd like that. What did you have in mind?"

"I um... I don't know. If I'm being honest, I hadn't thought past asking you out. I guess I'd usually suggest a movie. Would that be something you'd enjoy, or no?"

"It's not something I do often, but it can be enjoyable with the right company."

"Oh, maybe we should do something else then. I just didn't want to assume."

"No, it's fine. I think you'd be the right company." He feels your skin heat up again. "I like Disney movies. They remind me of a simpler time. Plus, I remember them for the most part."

"Okay, that's great. I love Disney. Since I was a teenager, I've always said I need to find someone who wouldn't be a snob about watching them as an adult. What's your favorite?"

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