Mike Murdock

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 "Wait, Matt, you have a brother?"

Foggy gasps. "You haven't heard about Mike!"

"Oh, God." Matt knocks back the rest of his second beer and stands. "I'm getting some hard liquor for this conversation. Feel free to start without me."

Foggy always feels free to talk about Mike. He's shocked he hasn't told you this story yet. A gross oversight he'll remedy immediately. "So, Spider-Man sent a letter to our office talking about how he knows that Matt is Daredevil," Foggy explains, hushed. "Matt, when confronted, said— and I quote: You've forced me to tell you about my twin brother, Mike."

Karen laughs at the memory. "Oh my god, I forgot he said that!"

"How?" Foggy exclaims.

Karen can't stop giggling. "I don't—" She's interrupted by another fit of laughter. "I don't know! You have to admit, things got a little out of hand after that."

"A little? This was the stunt of the decade— and this is Matt we're talking about here."

"Oh my gosh, Foggy, remember? When we aked after it he said—" She's still laughing. "He said his twin was shy and asked Matt not to mention him."

Foggy rolls his eyes and turns back to you. "Of course, we didn't believe him so he pretended to plan a trip then showed up to our office as his 'shy twin brother'. He didn't think that one through because Mike was the furthest thing from shy. It was like Matt took every bit of himself that he hides from the world so he'll come off as a mild mannerd blind man, and projected it onto 'Mike'. He came to work in the loudest printed shirts he could find, his hair all over the place, and Elton John glasses. We found him reclined back in his chair with his shoes up on the desk."

"Are you serious?"

"We couldn't make this up if we tried." Karen laughs. "Did you see how Matt got up and went to the bar? He didn't even try to defend himself. Imagine hipster Matt. Not nice sweater vests, a scarf, and loafers. Think colored skinny jeans, an untucked printed button-up, ankle boots, the whole nine yards."

"Guys, the only way this could get better is if you told me there was a fedora involved."

Foggy lights up at that. "Karen! Do you remember?"

"How could I forget? When his hair wasn't perfectly wind-tousled enough, he had a fedora."

"It was white and had a yellow feather." Foggy states, beaming.

Matt comes back to the table and sighs. "You guys couldn't have at least left that part out?"

"She guessed, Matt! What, were we supposed to lie to her?" Foggy asks, still having way too much fun.

Matt can only grunt in response.

"It's okay Matt, we all make mistakes." You squeeze his shoulder.

"I was suspicious the whole time," Foggy continues. "Not only had I never heard of this Mike Murdock, but when Matt decided to come into the office and claim to be his own twin, I thought: this is exactly something Matt Murdock would think was a good idea. Then, the more time he spent with us, the more I thought, hey, this guy is exactly like Matt if he decided to say: fuck it. And neglect all his responsibilities."

"You guys have no idea how much joy this is bringing me right now."

"Oh, we have an idea." Karen laughs.

When you turn to Matt, he looks like he's contacted Strange to move his astrial form to another plane of existance. There's this pasted on smile on his face but it looks more like a grimace.

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