Why You?!

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After an incident with Team Rocket and getting blasted onto Mirage Island, Drew and May had gone to a river, hoping Brock would think to do the same. Along the way, Drew had gone too close to a cliff, where the rocks were weak and he started to fall. 

"Drew!" May exclaimed, grabbing Drew by the hand, as he fell to a pit of running water.

After grabbing his, her own hand slipped off of the vine she was holding, causing her to fall with him into the water.

"May..." Drew said quietly before fainting.

"Don't worry Drew, I've got you!" She said, dragging him through the water with her.

Later after getting him to the shore, on the island the river took them too, May tried to wake up Drew.

"Drew? Drew, say something, please!" She pleaded.

He woke, seeing May and sat up. "What happened?" He asked.

"We fell into the river and you fainted.  I don't know exactly where we are." May explained.

"Did you save me?" He asked her, kind of shocked.

"Well, sorta. The Wynout Pokemon dragged us out. Are you ok?" May replied.

"Yes, I'm ok." Drew answered.

"That's good. I'm glad you're ok, I was starting to get worried." She admitted.

"Y-you were?" Drew questioned, a bbit surprised.

"Yeah, you were out for like three hours!" She exclaimed.

"Three hours?! Gosh, I must have hit my head." Said Drew.

"Well it was bleeding a little." May moved his bangs over a bit, revealing a slightly bleeding cut on his forehead, making him a bit uncomfortable.

He didn't like her messing with his perfect hair. "Don't touch my hair..! I'm sure it's fine."

"I don't know Drew, it looks kinda bad." May got a bit closer, making him even more uncomfortable.

"May I'm fine!" He accidentally yelled out of anger.

May flinched. "Just trying to help, gosh."

"Sorry May, I'm just not used to that. I don't come in... Physical contact with people a lot." Drew apologized.

May looked at him with a soft smile. "It's ok, just let me help you."

"Fine." He gave in, giving his bangs a flick.

May used a bandage she had in her bag, and put it around his head. "There you go!" She smiled.

"Thanks May." Drew said rather blankly.

After their interesting start to the day, Drew and May walked into the forest of the island, hoping to find their friends.

"So I'm stuck here with you, huh? I guess that's better than being alone." Said Drew.

"Really? I was sure you'd rather be alone, than with me." May questioned her rival.

"I would. I was talking about you." Drew smirked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" May asked.

"It means, you're lucky I'm here and you're not by yourself. If you were here by yourself, you probably wouldn't make it through one night." He flicked his hair, like he normally does when he's acting all cool.

"Whatever, Seaweedhead. You think you're so cool, don't you?" She rolled her eyes.

"Actually no, I'm just telling the truth." He said. "Seaweedhead..?"

"Riiight..." May said sarcastically.

"Hey, you're the one who thinks I'm cool." He teased, though he was being serious.

"Since when did I say you were cool?" Said May, getting angry.

"Since you watch me practice, always compare yourself to me,-"

"Okay, okay, I get your point. But I don't think you're cool, you're just a good coordinator." May said.

"Whatever. I'm tired, there's a clear area over there, you wanna stop for the night?" He asked.

"Sure, whynout. Get it?" She bounced her eyebrows. "Whynout..?" She laughed.

Drew rolled his eyes and laughed at her silliness, sitting down in the grass. He looked around and realized the only thing he had was his backpack. "Oh... May? We have a problem."

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