Where are We Going?

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After comforting May last night, Drew woke to her lying near him, smiling.  He couldn't help but smile too, she almost looked cute when she slept. But he shook it off and whispered her name in her ear.

"May, wake up. Come on."

"Huh?" She yawned. "Oh." She hadn't realized she was so close to him. "S-sorry about that, I-!"

"It's ok, May." He interrupted her. "You got scared, I was just trying to help." Then he smirked. "And from the way you smiled in your sleep, I'd say I helped a lot."

"Oh shut it!" She blushed. "Here's your jacket." She threw it to him.

Drew laughed and took the jacket, putting it on.

"Well, big-shot, how do you plan on getting us home?" asked May.

"I've got the looks May." He finished fixing his jacket and flicked his bangs. "You take the brains this time. Or do I have to do that too?" He smirked.


"Geesh! Calm down, Bandanabrain! It's not like you could brag about either of those things anyway..." Drew laughed.

May growled. Drew was getting on her last nerve. "I've had it with you! I'll just find my own way home!" May turned from Drew. Walking away, she held her head high and eyes closed.

"Uhh... May-!"

"No Drew! I'm not listening to you anymore, I don't need your hel-" *DOINK* Since she hadn't seen where she was going, May smashed right into the door-like entrance of the cave.

"Hahaha! That's the funniest thing I've ever seen!" Drew held a hand out to help her up, still laughing a bit.

May just pushed it away. She stood up to walk away, and again, bashed her head on the wall. "....Owwwww!" She moaned in pain.

Drew then stopped laughing, pulling her away from the wall. "Are you ok, May? You're gonna get a concussion..." He laid her head in his lap.

"I-I'm o-... Ok..." She said, dizzily.

Drew moved her bangs to the side, noticing she was bleeding a bit.

"I guess I do need your help..." She admitted.

"I know, May. To be honest, I'm glad I have you with me..." He smiled, blushing a bit.

Him blushing made her blush. "I feel so safe with him, but it's like two whole different worlds. One moment he's insulting your every move, then the next he's comforting you..." She thought.

"Th-thanks Drew..." She said.

"No problem, Bandanabrain."

"My point exactly..." She thought.

Drew got into May's bag for a bandage and wrapped it around her head, like she had done to him yesterday.

"Gosh May, that's a lot worse than I thought. Are you sure you're ok? I think you need to sit down for a while."

"But Drew, we need to get home." May said.

"I'm not letting you go out like this." Drew sat her up.


"It would actually be faster to wait until you're better and then leave, than to leave now and have you be a big drag because you get a headache every five minutes. Don't you think?" Drew suggested.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." May agreed.

"Good, I'm going to look for some wood and see if I can build a fire, it's pretty cold in here." Drew stood up.

"But it just rained, I doubt you'll find any wood that's dry already." May looked at him.

"I'm still going to look. Don't worry, I'll be back soon." Drew said walking out of the cave.

May say there and waited for him to come back, hoping he wouldn't be long.

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