Rival or Teammate?

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"Let's give a warm welcome to our first team, Jessiley and Steve!" Said Vivian.

"Team?!" Drew and May were surprised.

"Of course. This is a team competition you know." Said Harley suddenly.

"Harley! What are you doing here?!" Asked May, getting angry.

"I'm here to compete, honey. Oooh! Looks like you and your boyfriend are teamed up as well!" Harley pointed at the board.

"WHAAA??!" May was shocked.

"We weren't supposed to be a team..!" Drew seemed pretty upset as well.

"It's not my fault, nobody told me either, Drew! I'm just as mad a you are." May glared at Harley.

"I guess it's better to be teamed with your boyfriend than to be against him though, right?" Harley asked.

They both yelled.

"Don't try to hide it from me, May! You two are perfect together! You're both coordinators, you both love your Pokemon, you seem to always be with each other, oh darling it's obvious!" Harley said, pushing them together.

"Harleeeey!" May squealed.

They were now only inches away from each other, they locked eyes and blushed, hoping Harley wouldn't notice.

Drew put his arm around May and pulled her in closer.

"Yup! You're right, Harley! She's my... Girlfriend..." Drew smiled and blushed, embarrassed. He hoped Harley would believed his act.

"Drew..! What are you doing..?" May questioned him quietly, blushing.

"Just go with it..." He whispered.

"Aww! I just knew it! Hey check it out everybody, these two rivals finally admitted their feelings for each other!" Harley yelled, causing all of the other competitors to look.

"Great! This is just great! Nice going Drew, you idiot!" He thought to himself.

"Oh snap..." May blushed even brighter.

"And what an amazing performance by Jessiley and Steve! Now let's-wait..." Vivian started, but Harley whispered something in her ear then ran off the field.

"Harley, what did you do?" Asked May, concerned.

"I can't wait to see May!" Max exclaimed.

"She's been practicing so hard, I hope she wins!" May's mother, Caroline said.

"Oh that's wonderful! Well ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our next team, who are also in a relationship, May and Drew!" Vivian announced.

"WHAT??!" Max, Ash, Brock, Misty, Caroline and Norman all said at once.

May and Drew just stood at the entrance, jaw-dropped and wide-eye'd.

"Harley, I'm gonna-!"

"Come on May, we're on!" Drew grabbed her and pulled her out into the field. Of course, due to her sudden pull, she twirled around and about fell backwards before Drew caught her.

The crowd cheered, it was obvious that the crowd liked the idea of them as a couple, so they just played along, holding hands and waving with their free ones.

"This is not what I was expecting to happen..." Drew thought. "This is going to be interesting..."


In the first round, Drew and May stunned the crowd with Beautifly and Masquerain's Double Silverwind. Then they mesmerized them with an amazing semi-finals battle with Harley and his teammate. Then in the end, beat their final opponent with Beautifly's Silver Wind and Masquerain's Ice Beam, making a gorgeous beam of silver ice to dive down on their opponents. When the battle was over,  Drew and May head back to the outside of the Pokemon Center, where they would meet their friends.

"For you, May." Drew bowed, handing her a rose. Which is odd, he normally throws them...

"Why thank you, Drew." She giggled and curtsied. 

"IN A RELATIONSHIP?!!" Their friends, and May's parents exclaimed.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down everyo-!"

"Who even is this young man?! You never even told me about him, May!" Her father, Norman exclaimed, interrupting Drew.

"When did you tell her you liked her? Huh Drew? HUH, HUH?!" Max butted in.?

"I knew it, I just knew it!" Misty gasped. "Did this happen when you two went off into the forest?! Did you kiss her, Drew?!"

"W-what..!" Drew blushed darker than the rose he gave to May. "W-we didn-... I didn't..!-"

"Oh come on, Drew! We all know you like each other!" Ash exclaimed.

"A-Ash!" May yelled.

"What? Not like he didn't know. Since you're in a relationship now and all..." Ash smirked.

"N-no we're not!!!" May finally let out, causing everyone to look at her.

"I'm outta here..." Drew walked off.

This was an interesting day for everybody. Especially Drew. Poor Drew...

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