Drew's Past

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It was about one AM and Drew still couldn't fall asleep. He kept thinking about Roselia. Not only that, but Roselia's history. Drew's own past. It swept through his mind in a split second, but felt like it was lasting forever.


"Hey dad, I'm going to to play with my friends for a little while." A nine year old Drew said.

"Oh no your not. Did you clean your room?" His father asked.


"Wash the dishes?"


"Good. Than you can come help me setup this TV." His father commanded.

"But dad, I don't even know how." The young Drew said.

"I don't care! You're going to help!"



"What?" He mumbled out loud. May still lying next to him. He sighed.


"Yeah, one day I'm going to be a coordinator, just like my mom!" The young Drew told his friend at the park.

"What did you say?!" His dad asked him.

"I-I wanna be a coordinator like mom was!" Drew replied.

"No, you'll be a successful business man like me!" His dad demanded.

"No! I wanna be a coordinator!" Drew argued. His father grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him.

"Your mother was stupid!" His dad fought back.

"At least she cared about me!"

"Dew!" A wild Budew showed up, seeming angry.

"Ew! What is that thing?!" Drew's father was disgusted.

"Wow it's a Budew!" Curious Drew observed it.

"Drew, don't touch it! I told you before not to get involved with Pokemon!" He yelled, literally kicking the poor thing away.

"Dew!" It squealed.

"I'm pulling up the car, stay here." His dad told him.

But as soon as he walked away, Drew gently picked up the Budew and ran away with it.

A few months had past and Drew had nursed the Budew back to health. But when he went to let it go back to the wild, it didn't want to. It wanted to stay with Drew.


He found himself in tears, remembering the smile on his mini-self's face when the Budew came back to him and into his arms. Just like the way he smiled years later when it evolved into Roselia.

Drew thought I might be a good idea to stop thinking about Roselia and get some rest. But he found himself nowhere close to there, lacking hours of sleep.

The next morning he woke up to May shaking him lightly. To May's surprise, he threw her off.

"Drew?" May laid her hand on his back, that was now facing her. "What's wrong now?"

"I didn't get any sleep, so leave me alone." He said, May being a bit unsure how she came to understand his mumbling.

"Oh. I'm sorry Drew... You go back to sleep then-" Before she even finished her sentence, she heard him snoring quietly. She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Typical Drew..."

Later when Drew had gotten at least some sleep, they headed out on their way home. But... Who's home?

Hours of walking, and the only thing Drew's paid any attention to is where he saw red moving and he followed it. Then he came into reality.

"Wait, May where are we going?" Drew asked, recognizing his surroundings.

"LaRousse City, I thought. I mean you're going home aren't you?"

"L-LaRousse..! No! ...I-I mean no, I'm staying with you..." He blurted out.

"Is there a reason you don't want to come here?" May asked.

"Yes! We can't come here, we have to go to Petalburg City!" He hid behind a tree.

"Drew. What's wrong with you? I mean seriously, do you have a problem with everything?" May was getting frustrated.

"Let's just... Cut through here..." He took her hand and lead her through an alley.

But was trying avoiding something, actually another way of getting involved with what you're avoiding? Or was it just Drew's luck?

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