Me and Him?

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May's POV

I woke up to Drew shaking me, I had a dream that we were on an island and-Wait... It actually happened. Greeeaaatt... He brought me back into the cave and told me he'd be right back. I wondered where he was going and why he was taking so long.

"Why am I so worried about him? I'm sure he's fine, I don't even like him......... Oh who am I kidding he's totally cute. Wait..." I heard footsteps. "For my sake and his, I hope it's Drew..."

"May! Is that you?" I heard the friendly voice of Ash, calling me from the cave entrance.

I ran out and hugged Ash, then rubbed Max's head and high-fived Brock.

"Ash, Brock, Max! You guys are ok?!" I asked excited and concerned at the same time.

"Yea we're fine, where's your boyfriend?" Max asked me.

Ash and Brock laughed.

...I wanted to punch all of them right in the nose.

"Max..!" He looked at me. "You know he's not my boyfriend..!" I said half under my breath.

"Yeah, but you want him to be!" Max shouted.

"Who wants who to be what?" Drew asked, sneaking up behind me.

"Drew, hey! Look who's here!" I said, hoping Max would shut his trap about the previous conversation.

"Oh nothing, just how May wants you to be her boyfrien-"

"I think we should all get home now!" I tried to talk over Max, so Drew didn't hear. It didn't work.

"She... She said that?" Drew asked, in disbelief. Blushing too, I believe.

"Heheheheh... He's just kidding..! We should go now!" I said.

"No I'm not, you love him! You wanna marry him, right May?!" Max continued.

"OKAAAY, that's enough from you..!" I blushed SO bright, trying to get Max to shut up.

Drew looked at me, wide-eyed and blushed even darker than me. I couldn't look away. It felt awkward staring at him, but it would also feel awkward to look away.

"You di-didn't really say that, did you..?" Drew asked me awkwardly.

Ash gave Drew a weird look. "You know for a fact she didn't say that, she doesn't even like you! And you're not at all funny, you're actually really annoying. An-"

"Stop it!" I interrupted Ash. "I've had enough! And I don't know about you, but I want to go home, so Brock, lead the way!" I said.

"She just defended you..." Max whispered to Drew.

Drew just laughed, I laughed too. His laugh is contagiously cute.

"Whatever Max..." I said.

"Well the only way to get back now is if a boat comes here... There's nothing I can do." Brock announced.

"Ughh..!" Everybody else said in unison.

"I guess we're sleeping here than..." Ash said, sitting next to me.

"Yup, and I'm going to do that now. Goodnight." Drew said, from the other side of me.

This was going to be a looong night...

It was the middle of the night. I couldn't fall asleep.

"May..." Drew said quietly.

I turned to him. "Yes Drew?" I asked.

"Is Ash your boyfriend, or what? Seems like you sure like each other a lot..." Drew seemed less... Smirky, than usual. It was almost like he was upset.

"N-no way, not a child like him." I explained.

"He seemed really defensive when Max was saying those things about me..." Drew looked serious.

"He just knows Max was annoying me and when you started in, I guess he automatically thought it would annoy me too..." I told him.

"So either way, he was somehow defending you." Drew said.

"I guess so... Why?" I asked him.

He looked away from me. "I just wondered. You seem very close. That's all... And you blushed when I asked..." There was that smirk.

"Drew!" I was getting upset now.

Drew turned on his side, towards me. "May..."

"Yes, Drew?" I said, a bit annoyed.

Still smirking, he shot me a wink. "You're cute when you're angry."

I sighed, rolling my eyes and turned from him, now lying on my back. Did he really just strait on, flirt with me..?"

He laughed a bit, then we both fell asleep.

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