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May's POV

The last thing I heard was a gun fire. I woke up minutes later to find blood on the floor next to me. I could barley see, everything was dark and I could hear Drew desperately calling my name.

I knew I had been shot, but I didn't know where... I somehow didn't feel it. Was I dead? I didn't understand. I was breathing but I couldn't feel anything. That was until I felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher and put in an ambulance. Drew sat next to me and held my hand.

"Drew..." I mumbled.

"You're gonna be ok, May. Just hang in there..." Drew held my hand tighter, trying to hold back his tears. I knew he was afraid, I could tell.

"Why did you do that..?" He mumbled, kneeling on the floor of the truck and laying his head next to mine.

"I couldn't let him kill you..." I could barely talk, I started coughing and it felt like I was coughing up blood.

"May don't talk, you'll hurt yourself..!" He told me.

I was silent for the rest of the ride.

When we arrived at the hospital, Drew paced around my room. I felt bad for him. I couldn't talk to him to let him know I'm ok, and he was asked not to speak to me.

I could hear him mumbling things to himself, he didn't sound worried though. He sounded sad. I wondered why, but decided I should try to take a nap.

Drew's POV

I felt terrible, I let her get hurt. She could have died! This is exactly why I was leaving. But that would be delayed now that she had been shot.

I don't understand why she'd do that... I told I would take her bullet if I had to. Why did she take mine?

"Please just be ok... Please." I thought.

I love May, that's why I had to keep her safe. I have to leave. It sounds like I won't be helping her by leaving her, I know. But she'll be safer without me there to get her in danger in the first place. I can't let this happen again.

My father was taken to jail, I didn't tell the police that he was my dad, they'd make me stay with my aunt or something, and I need to be alone.

"Drew?" Ash came in.

"Hey Ash." I said, still pacing.

"You're really nervous. She'll be fine, don't worry. May's a strong girl." Ash told me.

"I know she is, Ash. I just hope she can forgive me..." I said.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked me.

"I'm leaving. I can't stand to see her in this condition. I know she'll eventually pull through, so I don't need to stay to see this. I'm going while she has no chance of stopping me." I said.

"Drew, she'll never forget about you. Even if she wants to, she won't let herself." Ash said.

"I know. I'll never forget about her either... I love her and I can't deny it even if I try." I sighed. "I'm off then... Everyone else is asleep, right?"

"Yeah." Ash said.

"Oh, and Ash, give this to her when she finds out I'm gone. Tell her I'm sorry and I wish her the best of luck." I handed Ash a rose and Pokeball.

"A Pokemon? Why?" He asked me.

"It's my Bulbasour. Since hers and mine are in love, I guess it's a good idea to keep them together... Goodbye Ash."

Goodbye Drew." Ash smiled sadly.

I walked away, leaving the hospital.

As I walked through the doors, I remembered everything we've been through and all the times we teased each other. All the times I was proud of her... May and I will always have a love hate relationship, she'll always be my love, and always be my rival. I'll never feel the same way about anybody...

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