Goodbye Roselia

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Drew and May were taken to the room of a large building and locked in there. Not caring what the situation was, May couldn't help but hug Drew. He obviously hugged her back, blushing.

"Drew I missed you so much..!" She hugged him even tighter.

"May I-... Why?" He asked, a bit confused.

"Because I-... I love you too..." She looked up at Drew, who was blushing dark.

"Y-you do..?" He slightly smiled.

"Yes... Why did you leave?" She was curious.

"I-I didn't think you liked me back, so after I k-kissed you, I... I thought I should leave. I thought you would think it was awkward and weird so... I left." He explained.

"Drew, I-I was... In shock. But I mean I... I liked it." She admitted, blushing.

They both blushed and Drew put his arm around her. "You know I won't let anything happen to you..." He said.

"I-I know. But I don't want you to try anything stupid either..." May laid her head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know, May. But if it means protecting you, I'll do anything." Drew said.

May frowned at the thought of him getting hurt.

"I love you, May... I'll protect you with my life if I have to." He kissed her head.

May giggled quietly and they both smiled.

A few hours later when May and Drew had fallen asleep, Cassidy came in.

"Sorry to interrupt, actually, no I'm not. Get up!" She yelled.

"What do you want, witch?" Drew snapped, waking up in a bad mood, to Cassidy's voice.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. You two are gonna have fun today..." Cassidly said, mysteriously.

This worried both Drew and May.

"There'll be a little surprise for you later..." Butch said.

Drew gave her a reassuring smile, even thought they both knew they that were both afraid.

"Now, let's go!" Cassidy went to drag May up, only to have Drew stand in front of her. He gave Cassidy a dirty look and helped May up.

"Defensive much?" Cassidy mumbled, giving Drew a glare.

"Let's just go, Cass." Butch said.

Later they had taken May and Drew to a big arena, it looked like it was for battling on, but neither Drew, nor May had their Pokémon.

"Here you go, and here you go." Cassidy gave them each their Pokeballs.

"What? Why are you giving them back?" Drew asked, confused.

"We just thought we'd let you have a final battle with them before you never get to see them again..." Butch teased.

May looked at Drew, who nodded, knowing what she was thinking. He let out all of his Pokemon.

"Flygon, Butterfree, Bulbasaur, Absol, Masquerain... R-Roselia... I'll try my best you get you back, but if I don't... I-I'm really gonna miss you all..." Drew fought his tears. "Roselia..." Before he could even finish, his Roselia hugged him. That was it, he lost his cool, letting a few tears fall.

May on the other hand, had been crying from the start. She loved her Pokemon so much. Her Eevee, Beautifly, Skitty, Squirtle, Combuskin, and Bulbasaur... She was going to miss them all. "I love all of you..!" She huddled all if her Pokemon, for what she hoped wouldn't have to be the last time.

Drew regained he cool, whipping the tears from his cheeks, May doing the same.

"R-Roselia, Petal Dance!"

"Squirtle, Water Gun!"

And so the battle went on. Drew ending as the winner, which was suspected by May. They each put their Pokemon in their respected Pokeballs.

"Wonderful... I'll take the boy, just let the girl drop from the balloon for all I care." Giovanni, the Team Rocket leader spoke.

"W-what?" Drew ran to May. "If you even dare..!" He threatened.

"What? Are you gonna cry?" Butch smirked.

Drew grabbed a hold of May's arm. "I have a plan..." He whispered. "I think you're forgetting something..." He threw his Pokeball. "Roselia, Solar Beam!" He called out.

As soon as Roselia's Solar Beam hit, Drew tried to return it, but it wouldn't budge. After a moment of shock, it was clear to Drew what Roselia was doing. It was helping, giving him and May a chance yo run. Though it was hard to think this could be the last of his Roselia, Drew took May's hand and ran as fast as he could. The last thing the both of them heard was the painful squeal of Roselia.

"Thank you, Roselia... You really are the best Pokemon I could ask for." Drew thought, letting a single tear fall once more. It wasn't just another one of his Pokemon, it was his best friend. They always had each others backs and Roselia knew that Drew cared deeply for May, so it made sure they were both safe. Even if that meant giving its own life.

Drew was going to miss Roselia, but regarding friend's sacrifice, he needed to keep himself and May safe.

Hours later, they had decided they needed a rest and stopped at a small creek. They also ended up spending the night there later. Drew laid down, not too far from May. He couldn't stop thinking about Roselia... It was the same thing he had felt with May. But even that brought back the thought of Roselia. It had been there for him every cold and lonely night, missing May. He didn't know what he was going to do without it.

"Drew, are you alright?" May got out of her newly-packed sleeping bag and sat next to him.

He turned from her, squinting his eyes while trying to avoid the tears. "N-no..." He stuttered.

"Drew I'm so sorry about Roselia... I-... I'm going to miss it too... But please, try to think about the upside. Because of Roselia, we're both alive and not with Team Rocket. It saved our lives..." May cuddled up next to him, knowing the pain he must be in.

He smiled slightly and blushed, cuddling her back.

This was not going to be easy for anybody. But what they really needed to think about was getting back home again.

LOL I am so sorry this is so long, I've been trying to keep it at around 600 words, but I used my tablet to write this one and it doesn't tell me how many words are there! XD LMHO

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