The Date

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Drew got back to the hotel around 7:15 and got dressed in dark jeans, a red tie and black tux. He came into the living room, with a rose in hand. He hid it behind his back, walking to May, who was sitting on the couch and happened to be in her new outfit.

"Good evening, my beautiful girlfriend..." Drew smirked, bowing and handed her the rose.

May giggled. "Why thank you, my adorable boyfriend..."

Drew blushed and rolled his eyes. He took her hand and lead her to the table that Ash and Misty had set up.

"So what's this all about?" May asked, sitting down.

"Nothing. Just thought you deserved a real first date."

"Okay..?" May said, still a little confused. "Well you chose the right scenery." She laughed.

"I figured you would like it." He winked.

"So..." May curled her hair around her finger. "This is what you were up to all day?"

"Yeah... I wanted to make sure it was perfect." He smiled.

"You're so sweet, Drew." She kissed his cheek, then booped his nose.

He laughed. "You're so adorable."

"They're so cute..!" Misty whispered.

Ash rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, they're adorable... Now let's get going!.."

"Hello..!" Misty walked to them.

"Misty?" May laughed.

"What would you like this evening?" Misty giggled and handed her a menu.

May looked at Drew, confused. "Uh... I'll have a steak, I guess..."

"And for you, Drew?" Misty grinned.

"Whatever she wants, I want." He winked at Misty.

"Okay! I'll be back in a few!" Misty skipped off.

"Drew, what are you guys doing?" May laughed.

"Well, I thought it would be nice to go to a private restaurant," he raised a brow and grinned, "and since we both know, I can't afford that..."

May giggled.

"I thought hey, I'll just make one myself." He laughed.

"Well, I'm impressed." May smiled.

"Good. This is only the first half of it." He grinned.

After they ate, Drew and May walked along the beach. It was around sunset now, and the view just kept getting better. He held her hand and she laid her head on his shoulder, as they continued to walk.

"This was amazing, Drew." May said.

"I'm glad you liked it, but there's one more thing..." He smiled.

"What else could you possibly do for me?" She laughed.

Ash and Misty snuck behind a chair, on the beach, both knowing what was coming.

"I came up with a joke..." He grinned.

"Go for it." May stood in front of him.

"Knock, knock..."

"Who's there?" May giggled.


"Marry who?"

Drew got on one knee and pulled out a small box. "Marry me..?" He popped it open.

May was in total shock. She covered her mouth and nodded her head, yes.

Drew smiled and put the ring on her finger. It was a simple, silver ring, with a rose-shaped diamond in the middle.

"Drew, I love it!" She jumped into a hug. "I love it, I love you..!" She started crying, her face in his shoulder.

Drew gently pushed her off, then pulled her back in and kissed her. May threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

It was years ago, the first time he kissed her. He was thirteen, after he kissed her, he took off, leaving her a note and rose...

This time, he held her close. They finally broke apart and Drew stroked her face.

"I love you." He said, softly.

"Drew, I don't even know what to say..." She teared up.

Drew kissed her nose. "You don't have to say anything..." He smiled.

They walked back into the hotel. When they came in, Roselia, Ash, Misty, Brock, and even Solidad were there.

"Let me see!" Misty ran to May.

Ash patted Drew on the back. "You did it, Drew."

"Yeah..." He chuckled. "I guess I did."

"Rose, Roselia!" It jumped into Drew.

"Roselia! Hey there!" Drew smiled and hugged his little Roselia.

"Congratulations, you two!" Misty said.

"What did I tell you, May?" Solidad winked. "I knew you'd end up here, someday."

"I can't believe you're getting married before me!" Brock laughed.

They stayed for a while, but left later. Solidad was the last there. "I'm so happy for you both. Best of luck! See you soon." She went out the door.

It was quiet, nobody around but Drew and May.

"We're finally alone..." May sat on the couch.

"Yeah..." Drew sighed. "Finally, peace and quiet..." He sat down and put an arm around May.

She laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling against it. "I'm tired." She said.

Drew yawned. "Me too."

May yawned after him. "What does this moment remind you of?" She grinned.

"The long ride we took, to Slateport City, almost five years ago..." He kissed her head.

"I can't believe all we went through..."

"And now here we are..." Drew closed his eyes.

"I always knew I was Drew's girl..." May smiled. "Goodnight, Seaweedhead..."

"Goodnight, my Bandanabrain." Drew turned the lamp off and they fell asleep on the couch, cuddled up next to each other.

Both smiled in their sleep, they knew they would always use their nicknames for each other, because it reminded them of the day when they first fell in love. The day they both realized they were each other's forever, their happy ending...

Well, the end :) I loved this story very much, I hope u guys liked it as much as I did! Comments are appreciated! I want to know what you thought of it, too you know? XD I WILL be making a second one. It was so hard to switch to "completed" last night DX I can't stand for it to be over! So watch out for
Drew's Girl: Adventure Called Life


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