Where's May?

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It was lightly raining and Drew and May walked into the alley of LaRousse City, only going a short way before mysterious figure stood before them. The figure was tall and looked down at them.

"Drew?" The figure questioned.

"Who are you?" Drew stepped between the figure and May.

"It's me..." The figure stepped into the light. He had dark brown hair and the same emerald green eyes and identical smirk to Drew's. "You do know who I am, don't you?"

"D-... N-no way..." Drew took a step back.

"Drew? Are you ok?" May asked.

"You were foolish to run away... Though I must admit, you did score a good girlfriend. Not surprising, I was always good at catching the eyes of a woman. You took after your father." He said.

"Y-your father!?" May was shocked.

Though May was pretty shocked and scared, Drew was far past more. This is exactly what he was trying to avoid. He had hidden for years, not once encountering his father. This was his greatest fear, and it was coming to life. Drew was overwhelmed with fear, confusion, anger and stress. He couldn't hold his own thoughts and feelings, he collapsed to the ground, fainting and leaving May with his father.

Minutes past fast, turning into hours. When he finally did wake up, Drew was soaked, freezing and confused. The slight rain from earlier had turned to a huge storm that was only getting worse.

"Ow, my head..! Wait, May. Where's May!?" He attempted to stand up but failed, due to his temperature. He felt almost pearlized by the cold. He could hardly move and when he could, it only made him get colder.

"Drew!!?" Drew looked up to see Brock.

"G-guys? W-where's M-May?" He asked, shaking.

"We thought she'd be with you!" Ash said.

Then it hit Drew. He remembered what had happened and he didn't like it. The last thing he saw was May being dragged away from him by his dad.

"Drew..? Drew!" Misty snapped him out if his thoughts.

"M-M-May! He t-took her!" Drew tried to continue but he cold barely speak.

"Let's get you to a hospital." Brock suggested.

Drew leaned on Ash, nearly fainting a few times, so Brock stood behind him, just in case.

A while later they arrived at the hospital. Shortly after entering, Drew got a terrible headache and felt like he was going to be sick. Ash, Misty and Max sat outside the room, while Brock was let inside to see what he could find out from Drew.

"I know you're in pain, but try to explain exactly what happened." Brock said softly.

"M-May and I were walking through an alley and..." He paused and clenched his head. "My d-dad showed up... And he's not the k-kind of person you w-wanna run into..."

"Your dad!?" Brock was taken back.

"Y-yes. And he t-took May..." Drew somehow explained through his pain.

Brock felt so bad for poor Drew, he was in such a bad condition. At first the doctors thought he had a concussion and he looked like he was about to get sick.

"He's doing worse than I thought..." Brock said, leaving the room and sitting by Ash.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Max was curious.

"I honestly don't know. He looks pretty bad. He stutters a lot and clenches his head when he talks. If he even can..." Brock said.

"Poor Drew..." Ash said.

"So what happened with May?" Misty asked.

"I'll explain later. You, Ash and Max stay here, I'll be back." Brock left the hospital, glancing at Nurse Joy and thinking to himself; "I know I want to talk to her, but this is an emergency... Plus an excuse to talk to Officer Jenny!"

Oh typical Brock...

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