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May sat on the cave floor waiting for Drew, as she waited, it seemed to get more boring... And more boring... And even more boring. So she started singing to herself, which is not something she does often.

"Cause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn't need, chasing relentlessly still fight and I don't know why.. If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?.. If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?.."

"I didn't know you could sing, May." Drew commented as he walked in the cave.

"Drew! Oh, uh..." She blushed and hid her face.

"I mean it, you're amazing! Right in tune, too." He continued.

"Really? Thank you Drew... I didn't know you liked music?" May said, surprised.

"Yea, I love it! When I was little I'd sing all the time, music was like my best friend." He laughed.

"Do you ever sing now?" May wondered.

"Eh, it really depends on who's around. For instance, I would never sing in front of you." He smirked.

"Oh Drew, you're no fun!" She teased.

Drew laughed. "Why does it matter anyway?"

"I don't know, I just wondered." May said.

"Then why am I no fun?" Drew smirked.

"Whatever, when are we going to leave I want to get home already!" She asked, getting impatient.

"Chill out, Sonic! You're the one who decided to hit your head on a rock!" Drew started trying to make a fire.

"So what, we're just gonna sit in here until tomorrow?!" She asked.

"If that's when I feel like you're ok, then yes." He said.

"Wait... So this is about me?" May asked.

"You got it, Bandanabrain!" Drew said, in a sarcastic way.

"Since when do you care about me? I thought you hated me!" She was now getting angry.

"I never hated you, May. And I care because I know that you would do something stupid if I let you out of here injured, and I don't want to deal with you being even crabbier than you already are." He explained.

"....Good point." May had to agree.

So hours past, May kept on moaning and it was annoying every living cell inside Drew's body, but he somehow ignored it. That was, until it was 8:20 pm!

"May, please..! I understand you're in pain, but seriously?! I'm tired and you don't want to get me angry!" Drew said, slowly loosing his sanity.

"I'm sorry, it hurts..!" May complained.

"I understand, because MY HEAD HURTS NOW TOO! From you whining all day!" Drew fired back.

"SHUT UP!" May yelled.

"Better not yell May, it'll make your headache worse!" He teased.

"Drew, I'm gonna rip your face off!" May yelled again.

Drew sighed. He was tired and tired of this. "May, please stop. I know your head hurts, but it's late and I want to go too sleep..!" Drew said.

"I'm not talking to you, Drew." May said, head turned from him.

"May..." He walked to her. She was facing his opposite direction.

"I'm sorry... I have a bad temper, it's not your fault you're in pain. It's actually mine... I annoyed you to the limit." Drew confessed.

May sighed. "It's ok, I guess... Do you think we can go outside for a while before the sun sets?" May asked.

"Uh sure..." Drew held out his hand to help her up. This time she took it, when he pulled her up, they locked eyes for a moment, before Drew blushed and broke the stare.

"L-let's go." He tried to brush it off but this time it wasn't working.
"Am I blushing? Why am I still blushing?!" Drew was confused. "Wait... I don't- I can't... Like her?"

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