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The next morning, Drew woke up to see May next to him, smiling in her sleep. Again, it brought him back to that night in the cave. He smiled and woke her up. "Let's go, Frizzy." He shuck her.

"Frizzy?" May yawned.

"Your hair. It's frizzy." He moved the hair out of her face. "Can you see now?" He laughed.

"Yes." She sat up. "Where are we going, Drew? It's eight in the morning!"

Drew laughed. "I forgot you weren't a morning person."

"Ughhh..!" May slammed her face into her pillow.

Drew stood next to the bed and stared at her, waiting for her to get up.

May moaned into her pillow. If there's one thing she can't stand, it's being woken up early.

"Come on..! I want to show you something." Drew pleaded for her to get up.

"Fine, fine. I'm up!" May sat up, her hair all frizzy and sticking up.

Drew couldn't help but laugh, she looked hilarious. "You might want to brush your hair before we go." He laughed.

"Do you really want to get your girlfriend mad..?" May smirked and threw a pillow at his face.

Drew just rolled his eyes. "She's gonna use that against me now..?" He laughed.

May took what seemed like forever to brush her hair, before she walked out of the bathroom. Her hair was straight, unlike it's usual style. She wore her regular, red bandanna, dark blue jean-shorts, her shirt was white, and she had a red leather jacket and black boots.

"What's with the get-up?" Drew asked.

"Oh, just a little change for Johto. Now where are we going?" She asked, impatiently.

"I want to show you something." He smiled.

They walked to the beach and Drew showed May all the new water Pokemon he had caught. The Pokemon put on a water-show for them, May liked water Pokemon a lot. It reminded her of Misty.

"Dang..." May thought. "I haven't seen her for years. Almost as long as I haven't seen Drew."

"May?" Drew looked at her. "Are you alright?" He seemed confused.

"Huh?.. Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, sorry." She snapped out of her thoughts.

"Are you sure? Something wrong?" He took her hand. She blushed a little.

"It's just that... The water Pokemon, they remind me of Misty. I miss her and the others." She admitted.

Drew smirked.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You don't really think I could catch so many water Pokemon, do you?! Turn around May!" He laughed and turned her around.

Ash, Misty, and Brock stood behind her. "No way!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe all of you are here!"

"Drew gave us  a call, we left as soon as we heard you two had met up!" Misty said, hugging May.

"I'm so happy to see you all!" May said happily.

"You have Drew to thank for that." Brock said.

May looked at Drew. She pulled him down to her height and kissed his cheek, making him blush. Everyone else laughed.

"Aww!.. You two are so good together!" Misty fangirled.

"Heh, thanks. But we're not exactly-"

"Drew! Don't tell me you haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet!?"Ash looked at him.

Drew blushed. "Not exactly..." He said.

"What?!" Brock yelled.

"You love her, don't you?" Ash asked, teasingly. 

"Y-I..." Drew stuttered. "I-y-... I mean I-... I d-..." May looked at him and he felt pressured. "N-I..! YES!" He blurted.

May giggled. "You don't have to act so nervous. You know I love you." She nuzzled his face. "You do know I love you, right?"

Drew blushed and smiled. "Of course I do." He grabbed her hands. "I wouldn't have it any other way..."

"Awwww!!!" Misty teared up a little.

Drew rolled his eyes. "You are obsessed!"

"Yeah, I am!" Misty squealed of happiness. Ash grabbed her and made her stand still. "Let go of me, Ash Ketchum!"

"Not until you pay the fee..." He smirked.

Misty kissed his cheek and he let her go.

"Whoa. When did Ash gain the bravery to do that?!" Drew raised a brow.

"And when did Drew get so soft?.." Ash raised a brow back.

"Oh whatever..." May said. "I think it's cute." Drew tickled her chin and she giggled.

"This will be a long weekend..." Ash said, rolling his eyes.

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