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Hours after Drew had started heading back towards Slateport City, he found himself wandering through his thoughts.

"What if she hates me now? What if she never wants to see me again? If I show up now after three weeks of no contact with her, will she be mad? I just hope she's been doing ok... I feel kinda bad for just up and running away after what I did..." He thought.

He walked through the forest, so close to where he had left May a few short weeks ago.

"May..! Max? Ash!!!" He called, hoping they were still there.

"Drew?" Misty walked towards him.

"Misty! Where's May? I need to see her!" Drew shouted.

"Drew, she's out there somewhere looking for you! I thought she would have found you by now..." Misty looked a but concerned.

"M-me? Don't worry Misty, I'll find her, which way did she go?" Drew asked.

"She went through the forest." Misty told him.

"But I just came from there..." Drew was now getting worried.

"Drew..." Misty looked at him. "You have to find her... Before something bad happens!"

Drew looked at Misty, more serious than he's ever been. "I will. I would never let anything happen to her..." Drew ran off.

"Good luck..." Misty mumbled.

"Mist, where'd ya go?" Ash called.

"Ash! Brock, Max! Mr and Mrs Maple!.." Misty ran to tell them what had happened.


Drew wandered for hours, and hours, calling May. Not a single time did he get a reply.

"May!!!" He called. "May, please..! I'm sorry for leaving like that, please come back!" He sighed. "I don't understand why she'd be looking for me... All I ever did to her was tease her... And well... Whatever, t-that doesn't mater..."

"Drew!" He heard from a distance.

"Was that..? No..." Drew looked up, seeing Team Rocket's balloon. "What the heck do you-Oh. Shoot."

Butch and Cassidy were in James and Jessie's balloon? Something about this wasn't right... Drew could tell, this wasn't just a small disagreement between two Team Rocket teams...

"Cassidy, Buce?!" He yelled.

"It's BUTCH! B. U. T. C. H." Yelled Butch.

"I know, I just like to annoy you!" Drew teased.


"That's gonna get you nowhere if you want your little girlfriend back..." Cassidy yelled.

"G-girlfriend..?" He started to get worried. "Please, please, please... Not May..."

"The little brat took long enough to catch!" Cassidy said, May peeking her head over the balloon.


"May!" His eyes widened with worry.

"Hey! I didn't say you could talk, you little rat!" Cassidy yelled at May.

This was making Drew very, very, very angry. He'd already been stressed out looking for May. Now she was being kidnapped and treated like crap? Huh-uh, Drew wasn't letting this happen.

"Why May?! What's the deal here?!!" Drew asked, annoyed.

"We'll show you..." Butch said, landing the balloon.

"Prepare for trouble..." Cassidy started.

"And make it double..."

"To infect the world with devastation..."

"To blight all people in every nation..."

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling the world all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

"I don't care about your dumb motto! What're you doing with May?!" Drew was getting frustrated.

"Hm... Attitude problem, little boy?" Butch asked.

Drew growled. "Give her back, now!"

"I'm glad you said something about the brat... We'll give her back to you... For all of your Pokemon!" Cassidy said.

"M-my Pokemon..." Drew hesitated to reach into his bag and get his Pokeballs. "May first..."

"Excuse me?" Cassidy asked.

"Give me May first." Drew demanded.

"Smart boy... Raticate, get him!" Butch yelled.

"Flygon, Sandstorm!" Drew called out his Pokemon. "Wait, what?!!" He yelled as a net was thrown over him, causing him to drop Flygon's Pokeball.

"Drew!" May shouted.

"We'll just take tho rest of those!" Butch yelled, Raticate taking Drew's Pokeballs.

"I knew you'd be a clever... That's why I laid a trap!" Cassidy smirked.

Drew didn't know how to feel, relieved, or even more stressed. At least he had found May. But now they were both in danger, Drew had no Pokemon and neither of them knew what to do.

Drew's GirlWhere stories live. Discover now