A Red Rose Means Love

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The next morning everyone woke up around the same time, except for May and Drew that is.

May was lying on his arm, while he seemed to be smiling. The boys all thought this was proof of their feelings, and so giggled about it until they woke up.

"Hmm?" Drew woke up, seeing the boys giggling and wondered was was happening. Though he assumed it had something to do with him and May.

"Hey Drew, have a nice night?" Ash teased.

"The last thing I need is a stupid comment from you, Ash." Drew glared at him. He then looked at May, who rolled into his arms in her sleep. He blushed extremely dark.

"Hehehe! Looks like she even likes you in her sleep!" Max said.

"M-May, wake up!" Drew blushed.

"Shut. UP." May yelled, making Drew jump.

"Geesh, crabby girl! Get off!" He pushed her away, gently this time.

"Drew!-...Oh. Sorry." She blushed, sitting up.

"That's ok... Now let's go try to find something to eat." Drew suggested.

"Yes! Food, I'm starving!" May said.

"...You just woke up, May!" Drew looked at her in a bit of shock.

"I get hungry in my sleep? Ok?" She stood up.

"Okay Crabby, let's go find food." Drew said, walking towards the forest.

"Hey, wait for me, Drew!" She yelled.

So they were both walking side-by-side in the forest, both with a Pokemon by their other side. Drew had his Roselia, while May had her Beautifly.

They had been walking for what felt like an hour, when suddenly, Drew was hit and knocked over by a wild Bulbasaur. He knocked right into May, causing him to land on top of her.

"Ouch!" They both said.

Looking up, May blushed, Drew doing the same. He was hovering her, hoping not to get hit again by the Bulbasaur. It was like they were glued to each other's gaze, Drew couldn't look away from May, and May couldn't look away from Drew.

She stared into his emerald green eyes and slightly smiled.

Just when Drew was about to move, his Roselia jumped onto his back, causing him to come only inches away from May's face.

"U-uhh..." He was mentally paralyzed once again. "M-May..." He stuttered.

"Y-yes?" She gulped

"I-..." Drew sat up. "Sorry..."

"No, i-it wasn't your fault." May told him. "Uhh... Drew?"

"Yeah?" He was still blushing.

"Are we lost?" She asked, looking around.

"Thanks to that Bulbasaur knocking me into you, yes. We are." He replied.

"Great..." May said.

"I think we'll be fine as long as you don't give yourself another concussion." Drew teased.

"Whatever." She said.

"Let's go over here, maybe it leads back to the beach." Drew suggested.

"Okay, I trust your thoughts more than mine." May laughed.


"Whoa, this is gorgeous!" Said May, referring to the sunrise on the beach.

"Wow, that is pretty..." Drew added. "May." He looked at her.

"What is it, Drew?" She asked.

"Here." He  pulled out a rose. "You deserve this for not being annoying. I promised I'd stop being rude. Does this count?" He threw it to her, slightly smirking.

She giggled. "I guess. Thanks Drew!" She smiled at him.

"Ooh! I saw this coming!" Said a familiar male voice from the forest.

"Aaah!" They both jumped.

"I knew you liked each other, I could tell by your rose collection, little missy!" Said another familiar voice, this time of a female.

May and Drew stared at each other, both knowing who they heard. "Team Rocket..."

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