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Drew sat alone outside for a couple of hours. He didn't get it at first, but he finally understood. He did want to marry May. He just needed to plan everything out. And he did. Those two hours spent outside, were spent thinking and planning.

Drew ran inside, grabbed Ash and dragged him to a corner to talk.

"Well, what did you decide?" Ash asked.

"I figured everything out! I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to ask her tonight. If you and Misty can help, I'm going to make this happen in the best way it can." Drew had a huge grin on his face.

"Okay, I get it!" Ask laughed. "What do you need us to do?"

"Well, first I need Misty."

"I'll go get her." Ash ran off.

Ash saw Misty in the living room of the hotel and walked up to her.

"Hey Mist." He whispered. "Can you come here? And be quiet..."

"Oh. Uh... Sure?" She walked away, with Ash.

"Follow me..." Ash whispered and ran to Drew. Misty followed.

"Drew? What are you guys doing?" Misty put her hands on her hips.

"Shh..." Drew shushed her. "I'm going to ask May a question..." He blushed. "I need your help."

Misty grinned. "What sort of question?"

"Be quiet, alright?" Drew smirked. "I need to know her ring size."

"Oh, my!-"

"Shh..!" Both of the boys said.

"I know it, I knew it!" She whispered happily. "I'll go find out. And don't worry, I'll be casual about it. She won't suspect a thing." Misty skipped off.

"Well that was easy enough." Drew said.

"What is it you need me to do?" Ash wondered.

"I need you to get a camera, I know she'll want to remember the moment." Drew said.

"I'm on it." Ash left.

"Now I have something to get..." Drew walked into the room May was in.

"Drew! Are you feeling better? Are you sick? What happened?!" May ran and hugged him.

"Babe, I'm fine. It's ok..." He hugged her back. "Hey, I need to go somewhere, I'll see you in a while." He kissed her cheek and grabbed the car keys.

"Drew?!" She yelled.

"What is it?"

"You're acting really strange, what's going on?" May laid her hands on his shoulders.

"May..." He stroked her face. "I promise, everything is fine. I'm not keeping anything from you. I just need to get some food."

"Okay. I love you..." She kissed his nose and walked back to the couch.

"Love you too. Bye." He went out the door and got in the car. "Thank goodness." He said, pulling out of the driveway.

Misty walked in and sat on the couch with May. "Hey!"

"Oh, hey. Where were you?" May asked.

"Oh I was just taking a walk." Misty lied. "That's a pretty ring, where did you get it?" She pointed at the silver ring on May's finger.

"Oh, it's from my mom. Her mom have it to her when she was my age." May explained.

"Cute! What size do you wear?" Misty asked.

"A five. What about you?" May replied.

"Same." Misty giggled. "What kind of rings do you like? Big and flashy, or small and simple?"

"Oh I like them sort of in between. I like it when they're simple but have a diamond or something in the middle." May smiled.

"Aww, cute! I like those too. But I really like the simple ones that have quotes or something carved into them." Misty said.

"Ooh, those are cute.l" May added.

"Oh, I just got a text from Ash. I've gotta go for a minute. I'll talk to you in a little bit." Misty waved and left the room.

"Why is everyone so busy today?" May wondered.

Ash drove Misty to the store, to meet up with Drew, who had bought a red, thornless rose.

"Well, did you get it?" Drew asked.

"Yes! And she likes simple rings with something in the middle, like a diamond." Misty said, happily.

"Awesome! Great job, Misty." Drew high-fived her.

"Thanks! It was easy."

"Ash, did you get a camera?" Drew looked at him.

"Yes. It's Misty's, she brought it to take pictures of the beach, but I figured this was more important." Ash laughed.

"Great. Now all I need is the ring. You two, go to the beach and set up a table with an umbrella." Drew said.

"Aww, I am going to love this! Ash, you better be taking notes. I hope you're just as organized when you propose to me." She grinned.

"Oh brother..." Ash rolled his eyes.

Drew laughed. "Alright, get goin' you two."

Drew set off to the jewelry store. When he got there, he found the perfect ring. He knew it was the one, the moment he saw it.

Back with May, she was wondering where everyone was. She decided to go shopping. She bought a riffled red skirt and a black fancy, strapless top.

Ash and Misty finished setting up the table and came back, just as May got arrived.

Drew was ready. Tonight would be the most important moment of his life.

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