The Wild Bulbasaur

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May didn't understand, not even she thought Drew liked her. How would Misty know?!

"What?! Are you crazy, Misty?" May whispered.

"What? You totally like each other!" Misty said. "You should go ask him about his attitude." Misty suggested.

"Um, okay?" May walked over to Drew, who sat on the boat, ready to go home.

"What is it, May?" He kept looking out at the water.

"How'd you know it was me?" She asked.

"I could just tell..." He answered, though to May that was not an answer.

"Anyway... Are you alright? You seem... Upset." May asked.

He looked at her. "Yeah I'm upset... But I'll be fine, May." He sighed.

"What made you so upset? Was it something I said?" She sat next to him.

"I can't tell her, I just can't bring myself to say it."

"I'm gonna go back into the forest and see if I can catch that Bulbasaur." He said blankly, walking away, trying to avoid her question.

She knew what he was doing, so May took advantage of getting alone with him, to see what she could get out of him. "Can I come? After all, I do have a Bulbasaur of my own. Maybe it'll come in handy!" She told him.

"Okay, I guess you can tag along." He agreed, still a bit angry. "But no more questions."

"Where are you two going?" Asked Brock.

"We're gonna try to catch a Pokemon, we'll be back in a little while." Drew answered.


Later they had reached the spot in the forest, where they had been in an awkward situation earlier.

"Alright Bulbasaur, where do you think he is?" May asked her Bulbasaur. "Huh?.. AAAHHHAA! My Bulbasaur is gone! Where did it go?!!"

"May calm down! We'll find it. We'll find them both." Drew re-assured her.

Hours later, May was about to give up looking, when Drew called her name.

"May! Come here, and fast!" He yelled.

"What is it, Drew? Did you find my Bulbas-Oh..." She looked down at what appeared to be her own Bulbasaur with the wild one Drew wanted to catch. The thing was... It seemed like they were in love.

May picked up her Bulbasaur, taking it back out into the path.

"I don't think she wants to be away from him, May. I think they're..." Drew started.

"In love?" May finished.

Drew blushed at how she finished his sentence. "No doubt about it, look at the way your Bulbasaur is trying to get down, it obviously wants to be with this one." He explained.

"Maybe that'll make this one easier to catch!" May announced.

"Good point, May! Roselia! Petal Dance, now!" He said, throwing his pokeball.

Roselia's Petal Dance hit the Bulbasaur, weakening it a bit.

"Petal Dance again!" He told his Roselia.

The Bulbasaur dodged Roselia's Petal Dance and used Vine Whip.

"Dodge it, Roselia!" Drew shouted. To his relief, it was a success."Now try Solar Beam!"

Roselia used Solar Beam against the Bulbasaur, it being nearly helpless now.

"Now finish it off with Magical Leaf!"

Roselia used it's Magical Leaf on the Bulbasaur, leading it to defeat. Drew threw his pokeball at the Bulbasaur, successfully catching it.

"Alright! Nice one, Drew!" May called out. "See Bulbasaur? Drew caught your little friend, now you can see him whenever you like!" May smiled at her Pokemon.

"Bulba! Bulbasaur!" Was its response.

May and Drew both laughed, heading back to the others.

"We're back!" Shouted May.

"Finally, what took you guys so long?" Ash asked.

"Well, if someone wasn't such a bad navigator, we would have been here a lot sooner." Said Drew, referring to May, who blushed at that.

"I'm sorry Drew, I honestly thought that was the right path." She laughed.

"All that matters is that they're back and now we can go home!" Max said.

"Oh right. Here Roselia, I wouldn't want you to fall off the boat." Drew said, pulling out Roselia's pokeball. Once he had his Roselia in its pokeball, Drew got on board.

"Everybody here?" Asked Misty, starting the boat.

"Yes!" Said everyone at once.

"Well get ready, cause here we go!"

After a while, Misty decided to get everyone to a decent place, they all decided on Slateport City. Which would be a loooong ride...

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