A Not so Good Night

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May and Drew decided to call it a night and go to sleep. The problem is, they have nothing to sleep on, no blankets, no pillows, and no warmth.

"Are you telling me you don't bring a sleeping bag in that thing?" May gestured to his backpack.

"Nope." Drew replied, sitting down in the grass. "This is just grand..." He said sarcastically.

"Yup! Nothing like sleeping on the nice, cold, itchy, bug-contaminated, grass!" May complained.

"Oh May, they're just bugs. Those are the least of your worries." Drew smirked.

"...If you're trying to scare me, it's not going to work." She said, though she scooted a little closer to him.

Drew looked at her, seeing that she got closer. "Hiding behind me? You're a chicken."

"I am not a chicken! I don't need your protection!" May exclaimed.

"Okay, if that's the way you want it. Well, goodnight." He took off his jacket and put it in his backpack, then laid down and closed his eyes.

As soon as May lays down, she hears a crackle in the bushes. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" She screamed.

"Calm down, May! It's probably nothing." He reassured her.

"O-okay..." She said. The bush was now shaking back and forth, her eyes widened.

"WAIT WHAT IS THAT!" She came up right behind Drew and hid, pointing at the bush. There a Wynout jumped out, tilting its head at her reaction of fear.

Drew turned around and looked at her like she was the biggest idiot in the world. Which to him, she wasn't that far off from.

"Heheh... Oops? I guess I get scared easily." She blushed.

"Huh, guess so... Now could you please get off of me and be quiet?" Drew asked, annoyed. It was more a demand.

"Yes. I'm sorry." May rolled over away from him, giving him his space.

Just when Drew thought he could fall asleep... *BANG!* Thunder shuck the ground and it starts storming.

Drew sat up, growling. His suddenly drenched bangs hung over his face.

"Hugh..! You've got to be kidding..." He flipped his wet bangs out of his face and helped May up, leading her through the rain. They luckily found a cave.

"Wow, that was sudden." May commented, sitting on the floor of the cold cave.

"I'll say. And just when you shut up..." Drew added.

"Hey, if you want me to shut up, I will. You just have to stop being so rude." May told him.

"Hah! You've got yourself a deal! You stop being so annoying and I will stop being rude." Drew agreed.

"Okay, but you have to-!" She stopped and screamed, due to the thunder startling her.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're afraid of storm-.." Drew stopped, interrupted by the thunder, followed by a scared May, hiding her face in his shoulder.

At this point he didn't know what to do. So felt he needed a change of heart for a moment and comforted her, putting his arm around her and holding her close.

"Gosh, you're cold May..." He said.

"Ya think?! We just got hammered by rain and have to hid in a cold cave!" She shivered.

"Here, this'll help." He pulled his jacket out of his backpack and put it around her.

She blushed, but it wasn't long before it struck again. Only this time, she clinched onto his shirt, making him blush, feeling a bit awkward. But it turned into a look of pity. He felt bad for the poor girl.

"Just try to go to sleep, everything will be fine." He gave her a soft smile before laying down, not too far from her, hopping she would feel more comfortable with him a little closer to her.

It wasn't long before she laid down too, falling asleep.

He took a last look at her in his jacket. "She almost looks cute in it..." He thought. "Wait what? I must be overtired..." He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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