Second Thoughts

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Drew was getting better, Brock still haven't returned and Ash and Max wondered what could have happened to poor May.

Drew sat in the hospital room and thought about his life, about his past... And about May.

"If I wouldn't have been with May, she wouldn't be in trouble right now... If I wouldn't have run away in the first place she wouldn't have even had to meet me. Brock wouldn't be missing. I wouldn't have kept Roselia and she wouldn't be dead right now... All of it is my fault... If I would have just listened, just stayed with my dad. Nobody would be going through what they are..." He sighed, resizing there was nothing he could do now.

"Drew?" Ash walked in.

"Huh? Oh, hi Ash..." Drew's head hung down in regret.

"How are you feeling? Is something wrong?" Ash asked.

"I-... Everything is my fault... May and Brock are missing and posiblky in danger, R-Roselia... She's gone. She sacrificed herself so me and May could escape Team Rocket." Drew's head was starting to hurt again.

"Drew... I'm sorry to hear that... What happened with May though?" Ash asked, sadly. "Poor Drew. He's kinda right. Sounds like it all is his fault..."

"Ash I... I can't explain it again, it hurts my head just thinking about all of this. As soon as I know May and Brock are safe, I'm leaving. I don't want to put you guys in anymore danger than I already have..." Drew sighed.

"Leaving? Drew, May will be crushed..." Ash looked at him.

"I-I know... I don't want to leave her, Ash, I just can't take the chance of letting her get hurt. Especially if it's my fault, I couldn't take it..." Drew was trying not to cry. It killed him to leave May, but he just couldn't take the chance. He cared about her too much to take any chances of her getting hurt.

"I understand. Do you want me to tell her?" Ash offered.

Drew just nodded. It was obvious that he wanted to be alone, so Ash left the room.

"So what happened to May?" Max jumped up.

Ash sighed. "He doesn't want to talk about it."

"So what's going on now?" Misty asked.

Ash gave some thought to answering that question. Drew wanted to leave as soon as he knew May was safe. That means he's probably not planning on seeing her before then. If Misty found out Drew was leaving, she might tell May and stop him from going. Ash respected Drew's choice of what he wanted to do, so he didn't want to tell Misty what happened. Even though he hated to lie to her.

"Uhh, well... When we find May, we're all just going to go back to Petalburg City." Ash lied.

"That fast? Isn't Drew sick?" Misty asked, suspiciously.

"Uh no! He's fine, actually!" Ash said cheerfully.

"Oh, that's good to hear!" Misty said.

"Yup..." Ash sighed.

"How could I have let all of this happen? May could be dead for all I know. My dad is crazy! Who knows what he'd do to get back at me..." Drew thought. He didn't feel good at all. And it wasn't that he was sick, he was just worried out of his mind.

Brock had been walking all over LaRousee City and only found a single clue. This wasn't the good kind of clue either. 

A few minutes later, Brock came back to the hospital.

"Brock! Did you find her?" Max asked. 

Drew heard this from outside of his room, causing him to come out of his room.

"Well I-..." Brock started.

"Brock? What is..." Drew knew it the second he saw it. It was May's bandanna...

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