Healed Hearts

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Drew, Roselia and May had wandered around the fair for a while. Riding rides, eating cotton candy (because May always has a sweet tooth.) Later, they spent the night in a room at the nearest Pokemon Center.

They walked in and each went to their own bed and plopped right onto it. Drew, almost swearing that he was on a cloud, grabbed his pillow and covered his head with it.

"Tired?" May said through her arms, lying her head on them

"Very... Now goodnight, Bandannabrain." Drew smirked under his pillow.

"You still remember, Seaweedhead?" May teased, with a smile.

"Of course I remember. Now go to sleep." Drew demanded.

"But I want to tell you you're new nickname..!" May complained.

Drew sat up, frustrated and tired. "What is it?"

"It's... Treetop!!! Isn't that clever?!" She started laughing so hard she fell off of her bed, backwards.

"May?!" Drew peeked over the bed, a bit concerned. But he didn't stay that way for long. He started laughing too, when he saw that May was laughing, but what should have been her laugh, was a tiny squeak sound. It was because she was in such shock of the fall and she was still laughing, trying to breathe at the same time.

She just laid on the floor, mouth hanging open and shaking of laughter. Drew, soon going limp of laughter, fell onto the floor next to her, making them both laugh even harder. They stayed like this for about six minutes.

"What..." Drew laughed. "What just happened?"

May kept on giggling. "I don't know..!" She fell face-forward onto her bed, laughing.

"Talk about forgetting how tired you are..." Drew chuckled. "Now I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." May laughed lightly, then laid down to sleep.

Roselia was just dumbfounded at how much Drew laughed. It was so nice to see him happy. "I just hope that being happy does not mean he has to laugh like an idiot for an hour." Roselia shivered at the thought of how annoying that would be, but giggled. Going it went to its Pokeball, it yawned, then went to sleep.


It was about two hours later when May was woken by the sound of thunder. And she was NOT happy about it.

"May?" Drew whispered, turing to face her.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." She said, hiding under her blanket.

Drew got up and sat on the floor, by her bed. "You ok?" He asked.

"Y-yeah..." She lied. No, she wasn't ok! She was freaking out!

Drew held her hand. "I'm here for you, May. You an tell me anything, I know you hate storms." He looked at her.

"Well, I am a little scared..." She muttered.

"I thought so." Drew laid next to her, holding her hand still. "You want me to stay here until it's over?"

May nodded her head. She was terrified of storms.

The storm went on for a long time, Drew let May cuddle up against him. She liked it, she felt safer close to him. Drew liked it too, he thought it was cute when she hid her face in his shoulder. Just like she did in that cave many years ago.

Neither would ever forget those days. The days when they would enter contests together... Back when they were young rivals and coordinators.... When Harley would tease Drew by calling him short, or May's boyfriend... When he would stick up for her and give her advice, or warn her about other trainers or coordinators...

He always watched her compete and watched out for her. He always cared for her, always wanted to help her and protect her. It was all going well until she was shot by his father. He got her hurt, he brought his father into her life, and that gave him an opportunity to get back at Drew. And he did that by hurting May.

Drew thought about all of these things as he laid there with May. He knew he would never let anyone or anything harm her ever again. He would watch out for her, just like he always did...

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