Left With a Broken Heart

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"I can't believe he left me just like that. Was he afraid of what I would think? Was he embarrassed? Did he regret doing that?" Poor May was so confused.

"May? May!" She heard Ash burst through her thoughts.

"What?! What happened!" She shouted, coming back to reality.

"That's what we would like to know. What happened over there?" Misty asked.

"Ooh! Looks like they are together!" Max read the note Drew left for May.

"Max! Give it back!" May grabbed it from him.

"He..." May started.

"What is it?" Brock asked.

"He left..!" May blurted, letting her tears finally fall.

Misty hugged her now bawling friend. "May I'm so sorry... What happened?"

Ash, Brock and Max suddenly felt bad for their teasing.

"He k-k-kissed me! Then h-he just l-left!" May tried to calm herself down, but it wasn't working.

"He kissed you?!" Max asked, shocked.

"He kissed you then just left? Who does that?!" Misty was getting upset, too.

"In the l-letter, he s-said he loved me too much to say g-goodbye..." May sobbed.

Misty shooed the boys away. "Tell me the whole story." She said softly.

"Well he s-said he was heading out, I asked him where he was going and he told me he was going home... He said he d-didn't know how long he would stay, he just needed a b-break so I asked him what was wrong. He gave me the same answer he always did. He told me it was nothing, but I didn't let him off this time and told him it was ok to tell me... So he g-grabbed my hands, told me he liked me, then kissed me and left. " May explained.

"So go after him. " Misty looked a May.

"What if he doesn't want me to?" May asked.

"I know he does. He said he loves you right? He obviously doesn't know how you feel about him and so he's embarrassed and upset about what he did. He wants you to, needs you to go after him." Misty explained.

"You're right, Misty." May stood up and ran towards where she had seen him last.

"Good luck!" Misty shouted.

Drew's POV

"I can't believe I did that... I'm such an idiot. Then I just leave her, nice going, Drew!" I thought to myself, wondering if May was thinking the same thing about me.

I kept hearing her voice in my head and having the same dream. It's been three weeks and I'm slowly losing my mind thinking about her. It's as if my regrets of leaving her kept haunting me... I felt like I was going to be sick. I'm lovesick. I can't stop my mind from replaying every moment I spent with her, wondering why it hasn't stopped.

"Please don't tell me you're thinking about entering a Pokemon contest with a cheesy act like that! You've got no finesse, no moves!"
"Hey! Who are you to tell me that?!"
"If you must know, I'm Drew. Pokemon coordinator!"
"Really? That's just like you, May."
"Please, no comparison. You see you and your Pokemon here, you've got no style!"
"Hey! You can make fun of me all you want, but don't you dare make fun of my Pokemon!"
"Whoa, just calm down little girl!"

"I wonder... I heard you cried after Solidad beat you, that true?"
"Well if that's psychological warfare you're trying on me, it won't do a thing."
Don't be silly! It just didn't sound something like the Drew I've come to know would do, that's all!"
"Well to tell the truth, I was just a bundle of nervous back then..."

"Well ya did it, May! Of course if you'd have fought me in the first round, things might have ended up a whole lot differently."
"I suppose this rose is for Beautifly, right?"
"Yea... Something like that..."

"You really gave me a shock back there. You see, I was just thinking about you, then all of the sudden, there you were..."
"Were they good thoughts?"
"Oh come on, of course they were! We had all just been talking about rivals, so of course naturally, I started thinking about you..."
"Well, I'm honered."

"What am I doing..?" I asked myself, sitting up from where I had decided to camp for the night. "I have it go back to her..."

Sad, I know. But hey, it's not over ;) rate and comment plz :D

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