Dangerous Situation

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Fear and worry struck Drew the moment he saw the bandanna. He immediately knew it was hers and she never takes it off. So something was very wrong.

"W-where did you find this..?" Drew asked.

"Drew... It was outside of a house. The house didn't have any lights on and I think..." Brock started.

"You think..?" Drew was getting anxious.

"I think I heard a scream... May's scream." Brock said.

"Where's the house?" Ash asked.

"It's not far from here, just down the road. We'll all go together." Brock looked at Drew. "Are you coming?"

"No." Drew said flatly.

"What? Why not? May needs you, Drew!" Misty said.

"I-I just can't..." Drew went back into the hospital room.

"What's wrong with him?" Max asked, confused.

"Let's just go." Suggested Ash.

So they all went to the house where Brock had found May's bandanna and tried to peek through the windows. They were closed, but they weren't locked.

"I'll go first, Misty." Ash stepped in front of her.

They all paused for a moment when they heard May's scream.

"Stop screaming! I told you to shut it! If my stupid son wants you back he'll come get you and if he doesn't I have no use for you." Drew's dad said.

"What's your name anyway?" May asked, annoyed and scared.

"My name is Aaron." He said.

"Okay, Aaron, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Oh I'll ask him to come home and if he says no, I'll shoot you. And since you're his girlfriend, I seriously doubt he'll let you get killed." Aaron told her.

"But why do you want him back?" May asked.

"That is none of your business." Aaron smirked. "But since he's your boyfriend, I guess I should tell you why you'll never see him again."

"W-wait what?" May was even more scared now.

"What?" Ash whispered.

"He can't kill her!" Max said under his breathe.

"Drew won't let that happen, don't worry." Misty reassured him.

"Well, he will pay for his mistake, I'm going to kill him. Slowly and painfully..." Aaron said, making May's nerves go crazy uncomfortable.

"K-kill him?! All because he ran away from a pathetic excuse of a father?!" May yelled.

"You better shut your mouth, or I'll kill you before he has a chance to save you!" Aaron threatened.

May say there as quiet as possible.

"Ash! Go get Drew, and fast!" Brock instructed.

Ash knew Drew wasn't going to be happy about this, but he had to bring him to May.

"Drew!!!" Ash called, seeing Drew leave the hospital.

"Ash? Where's May, I thought you found her?!" Drew was now concerned.

"You have to come, your dad-"

"I can't say goodbye to her Ash, I can't see her before I go! I put her in too much danger!" Drew yelled.

"No you don't understand, your dad is going to kill her!" Ash explained.

Drew turned around and looked at Ash in horror. "Kill her?!!" He took off with Ash to the house.

"Dad!" Drew flung the door open.

"Ah, finally!" Aaron said.

"Let her go! Now!" Drew demanded.

Brock was calling Officer Jenny, while Misty comforted Max.

"Oh I will. On one condition... You stay here with me!" Aaron smirked evilly.

"F-fine..." He gave in.

"Drew..." May had tears in her eyes. Aaron untied her and she ran strait to Drew.

"Drew, he's gonna kill you..." May hugged him tighter than she ever hugged anything before.

"I'd do anything for you, May. I'll take it if it means you'll be safe..." He hugged her back, crying a little himself.

"Alright, get out now! I want to get started..." Aaron said.

"I love you..." Drew kissed May's head, then let her go.

"I love you too..." She started to leave, but stopped in her tracks.

She saw Aaron starting to pull the trigger, Drew in front of the gun. May pushed Drew out of the way.

"May!!!" Drew yelled.

Officer Jenny pulled up on her motorcycle. Only she was a moment too late.

Everybody outside froze.

A gun was just fired...

Drew's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon