Long Ride to Slateport City

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After a few hours of the ride, Drew decided it might be a good time to let out his new Bulbasaur.

"Hey May, I'm gonna let my Bulbasaur out, maybe you should do the same. They're probably dying to see each other." Drew said, letting out his Pokemon.

"Yeah they probably are." May giggled, letting her's out as well.

As soon as they were released, the two Bulbasaur started to play, tackling each other and cuddling. As the hours past by, they feel asleep together by May, who was sitting next to Drew.

"Aww, they're so cute..." May yawned. "I'm about to fall asleep myself." She rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah..." Drew yawned too, then laughed. "It's funny, yawns are so contagious." Drew said.

"Ain't that the truth." Brock yawned, after Brock, Ash, then Misty.

"I'm not affected by it." Max bragged.

"Oh please Max, you got lucky this one time. That doesn't make you unaffected by it all together." May argued.

"And so it begins..." Drew added.

"What?" May wondered.

"The pointless, three hour argument you always have to have with someone." Drew smirked.

"Whatever Seaweedhead..." May rolled her eyes and Drew laughed.

"When will they ever learn..? They SO like each other, and it's obvious. But both are blinded to each other's affections because they're both trying to hide them..." Misty thought.

May yawned again. "Well I'm tired. Drew, you're my pillow." She practically demanded.

"W-what? Ugh..." Drew just didn't even bother to argue, the poor girl had to sleep on a cave floor for two days. He wasn't going to make her have to sleep uncomfortably any longer than she had to.

May laid her head on Drew's shoulder and shortly after that, fell asleep. It's not that Drew didn't like it, he just didn't know why he did.

"Why am I enjoying this?" He thought and sighed. "First, I comforted her, then I almost called her beautiful, then I practically held her hand, THEN I collapsed on top of her, coming close to accidentally kissing her, woke up this morning and she rolled into my arms, and now I'm letting her sleep on my shoulder... No wonder they know I like her!"

Drew was getting a little fed up with himself. He didn't exactly like the fact that everybody knew he liked May. He wondered why May hadn't figured it out yet. Or had she?

"Why am I doing this?" May thought. "I think I like him... I think he might even like me... He complemented me when he heard me sing... When he touched my hand that day, he blushed. When he fell on top of me, he blushed. He's even blushing now. He actually blushes a lot. But I'm sure I would blush if I accidentally fell on top of someone, too... Even if I didn't like them, it would be pretty embarrassing... I'm sure he doesn't. I mean he's my rival..." She sighed.

A few hours later, Drew also fell asleep. Over night Misty and Brock took turns driving the boat, while May, Drew, Ash and Max slept. Ash and Max were on the opposite side of the boat that Drew and May were on. The next morning, Drew woke up last, which was unusual since he was an early riser.

Even though May was awake, she hadn't moved. She didn't want to. She was comfortable with Drew. However, when Drew woke up, she thought he probably wouldn't want her there.

"Good morning." He grinned at May.

"H-hey." She smiled, blushing a bit and almost sat up, but Drew put his arm around her.

"You know, I don't care if you stay there." He blushed, looking at her on his shoulder.

She looked up at him, blushing a little brighter than before. She felt so right with him.

May cuddled up against him, and he laid his head against hers.

Only a few hours later, they arrived at Slateport City, where there would be held a Pokemon Contest.

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