Chapter 1

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There she was. Her midnight black hair along with a sleeve of colorful tattoos that represented memories of happiness and sadness. She was so confident and made sure everyone knew how much she loved herself. As much as Dani seemed like a bitch, she was really sweet and innocent. Most people refused to get to know her because of her looks, but the people who do take the time to do so, love her. She knew how to make people feel better with the most ridiculous pun or be the person that people needed to vent to.

Dani was all Dean could think about. He was mainly attracted to her laid back lifestyle. She swore like a sailor, but she was one of the guys. At a party once, Dani just sat on the couch talking to guys with a beer in one hand a swear word coming out of her mouth the same time. Dean thought that she was perfect. He didn't mind flirting with her from time to time, he just wanted to have a date with her once.

Dean is currently apart of the Shield. WrestleMania has just finished and has been communicating with Dani more.

Dean was walking backstage when he saw Dani looking at him. "What'd you think? Will it be a good feud," Dean said putting his arm around Dani. "I think so," she said accepting his arm. "Evolution and The Shield, never thought I'd see the day. You looked good out there though." Dani said giggling at the end. "That's what I do princess." And Dean walked off.

"Hey what's up with you and Dean over there," Paige said handing Dani a water bottle. "I don't know. He's sweet and funny. I like him. What do you think about him," Dani asked. "Dean? He's hot. He seems like a guy who would fall for you." Paige said goodbye and headed towards the locker room.

"Is Dean waiting for me to make the first move?" Dani thought to herself. She has had somewhat feelings for Dean since February. Dean has a lot of the qualities that Dani looks for in a guy. But, Dean isn't much for relationships that involve being on the road together. He also has a cheating past and Dani was once a victim of a cheater, which scared her. She was taken advantage of and is scared of any relationship. "Dani! Hurry I want to get back to the hotel," yelled Paige and Dani jogged to get her stuff and watched Dean leave the arena.


So it was something new I decided to do. And yes it was in fact Dean Ambrose. I just adore Dean! He's seems like such an adorable person! I hope I can make him that way. Give me hints and tips on what I should do. Remember, you guys are also going to tell the story. I also wanted to point out that I might be going back to a first person story only because it's a little bit easier. I also am thinking about adding in Point of Views or POVs if you will. Thanks for reading!

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