Chapter 11

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I haven't been myself lately. Ever since Dean left for his movie, I've felt like I don't have anyone. Even hanging out with Paige was weird. I miss him like crazy and I'm very frustrated. If you know what I mean.

Paige is in Vegas for the week and I've been staying at Dean's place. It's so cluttered but I'm scared to touch anything. His hats are everywhere along with jackets. I looked in his closet and find all his leather jackets preserved and sealed in bags. I didn't know he treated them so special.

"Hey! Open the fucking door!"

"Paige shut up!" I let Paige in quietly knowing her loud mouth would cause trouble. "So how long have you been chilling here?"

"All week. I'm watching Dean's place while he's off doing the movie."

"Have you checked his stuff to see if he's hiding any dirty little secrets?"

I shook my head knowing that was the least of my worries. "No! I'm not a snoop," I said. "Oh come on! You might get to see some freaky shit!" Paige was baiting me and like a fish, I took it not thinking anything of it. "Okay fine! Let's look in the underwear drawer first," I said.

"Have you found any dirt," I yelled to Paige who was looking through the medicine cabinet. "No, just Tylenol. You?"

"Nothing. He's clean." Paige came in and laid down on the bed. "That's so weird. Usually guys hide a lot of shit."

"Not Dean," I said. "Well there is one thing," I said. "What wa-"

My phone rang and it was Seth. "Hello."

Seth: Dani Baby how are you? I was wondering if Paige and you wanted to hang out with Corey and I?"

I really wasn't in the mood to hang out with Graves and Seth. I was trying to avoid Seth after all of our encounters, but I guess it would be nice to get out of the house. "Hey Paige, you wanna hang out with Seth and Corey tonight?"

"Can I sleep over," she asked. "Fine, but no perfume, I love the smell of Dean's sheets."

"Some parts smell like sex," she said. I started to blush. " no attention to those."


"Hey it's about time you showed up," Seth said. "Well Paige had to reapply her eyeshadow," I said hugging him and Corey. "Alright let's bowl."

"Okay here's how we're going to do this, tattoos on one side, bare arms on the other." I looked up at Seth and smiled. "No how about you and I so we don't fight each other."

"Deal. I'm sure we'll be fighting at the end of the night."

Bowling was fun. I enjoyed it a lot. It was a break from the busy schedule and it was surprisingly easy to not have Dean with me. I thought I would have a hard time, but being away was really cool.

"Hey Dani, you're up."

I wasn't the best bowler in the world but I also wasn't the worst. I was less in it for the game and more in it for the entertainment.

"Dani! You suck! Here let me help you."

I got a gutter ball which sucked. Seth and I were in the lead but it was because of all his strikes and spares.

"The key to getting a strike is to relax your body. You're very tense, relax." I exhaled and inhaled and felt more calm. "Now keep you body lined up with the lane." Seth took my hips and centered them with the lane. It was a little touchy but I was okay with it. "Now slowly move your arm down and then release!" I did it! I got a strike!

"That was awesome!" I said hugging him tightly. I looked up into his eyes and jerked back realizing how that wasn't a good idea. "I knew you could do it," he said. (Dani's phone rings, but doesn't hear it.)

Dean's POV:

I tried calling Dani but I guess she's busy. I miss her like crazy. I miss her, her scent, her body, her. Watching Monday Night Raw every night doesn't help. I just want to see her.

"Hey Dean you coming to the bar with us?"

"Yeah gimme a minute!" I called again still no answer. Maybe she's asleep. It is 10:30, her bedtime.

Dani's POV:

"So what was that that happened at the bowling alley with you and Seth. There was like a spark."

"What," I said. No there wasn't." In my head I was thinking yes, but it was safer to say no. "Yeah, maybe he was just being the friend and touching your body."

"Wow Paige. I don't feel anything with Seth. I see him as an acquaintance. Nothing more. And besides, I have Dean."

"Yeah, remember Danielle, you have Dean."

I checked my phone and saw two missed calls. They were from Dean. "Awe I missed a call from Dean!" I didn't waist any time. I had to call him.

Dean's POV:

"Oh shit! My girlfriend!" I clicked my phone off accidentally and tried redialing. "Don't worry about her." I looked up and smirked and was lead away.

Dani's POV:

"Huh, weird. They must still be filming. His phone's turned off."

"Let's just go to bed," Paige said. "Okay."

"Don't forget I like to snuggle," I said. "Don't you ever touch me while I'm asleep I will punch you."


Heyyyyyyyy!!! I miss talking to you guys. But I wanted to tell you guys that next Tuesday I'll upload because school is kicking my ass and I need to focus on it for a while. There is so much drama happening soon and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Thanks for reading!!!

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