Chapter 16

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December 2014:

I was out with Paige and Seth eating dinner, awkward but very happy that Paige offered to take us somewhere. "You guys are too funny," she said. "Why is that," Seth said. "You guys just are. I've never seen too people so happy and in love before."

"I'm going to go get the food be right back," Seth said kissing me. "So is it still weird seeing Dean," Paige asked.

"Paige! Yes! But Dean and I have moved on. Dean is dating someone and I'm with Seth. Everyone wound up pretty happy in my case." Paige nodded as Seth sat down. "What were you girls talking about?"

"Just girly things," I said putting my head on his shoulder.

It was almost Christmas and I was back in LA. As much as I was glad to be going home, I was five hours away from Dean. Five hours too close. Seth was back in Iowa for family. I spent the holidays alone. But I'm used to it I guess. I looked at my Christmas tree and saw some gifts underneath. Paige, Seth, Mom, Dad, Nikki, and Brie. And then I saw Dean's. I set it aside. It was best to put the past aside, even if I will forever remember it.

"Danielle?" I heard a deep voice say by the door. I opened it and it was Dean holding a gift. "I come bearing with a gift," he said. "Thank you," I said. "Come in."

"Here I have a gift for you as well."

"Thanks." I could tell it was getting to be awkward. A little too awkward. Usually at this moment, we'd smash into each others face, but there wasn't that feeling this time.

"Open it," he said. I opened it and it was some gag gifts. There was a practical jokester book, a couple scary movies that he hated but I enjoyed, and then a t-shirt with a picture that said a thousand words. "Where did you do this," I asked him. "I went to a t-shirt shop, knew how much you loved that lake from our first ever real date and put it on a t-shirt. It says something on the bottom." I looked and it said; "Love always, Dean."

"Thank you, this was sweet." He looked down flicking the bow on his gift. "Open yours."

He opened it slowly and saw a gift card for a bar near his place and a pair of cowboy boots that he was staring at for months. "You didn't have to do this," he said. "I wanted to," I said. He opened his arms for a hug and I felt his body heat. He always had the best hugs. We looked up at each other and quickly released each other from our grasps. "Here's your jacket," I said giving him the one he left at my place when we were dating. "You sure," he asked. "Yeah take it. It lost your scent." I chuckled. "Well I should get going, snow's coming down pretty hard."

"Yeah," I said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Dani." I shut the door slowly. "I love you," I whispered to myself.


"It's time to wake up!" Seth said jumping on the bed acting like a little kid. I wanted to spend Christmas with him so I went back to Iowa. "Okay! Let me get my robe on."

"You're wearing fucking dog footie pajamas, do you really need a robe," he asked. "Yes! It's cold as fuck in here. I'll wear your hoodie instead."

Seth took my hand and we walked into the living room. "Ta-dah!" Seth put up a tiny Christmas tree along with some gifts. "When did you do this," I asked. "At about three, why?"

"It's beautiful. I love it." I said kissing him. "Anything for my girl."


Feels like I haven't talked to you guys in a while! It's homecoming weekend and teachers have piled on the homework. I also have to volunteer the night of homecoming so I'm busy all week and weekend but I really wanted to get a chapter up for you all. It has been a long time since I actually wrote on here and played Sims. If you don't know what sims is, please look up some trailers. It's the best game in the world. I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry it was a random chapter, next one will make sense, promise. Thanks for reading!!

Twitter: @ReneeNaeAndAJ 

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