Chapter 20

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I'm still trying to figure out why Dean would think about calling me at some crazy hour of the night, he knows it's my bedtime and plus it was night and I was with Seth, he should've known what was happening. I should confront him today even though work is more important, I always come first.

What do I say though? Do I go up to him and say "hey why did you call me while I was trying to get it in?" Or do I say "Did you butt dial me?" There are so many ways this could go, but Dean is my friend and I shouldn't feel awkward about going up and talking to him. It's just Dean, a guy I fell in love with, right?

Okay Danielle you can do this.

"Hey Dean," I said my voice shaky. "What's up?" He asked wrapping his wrists. "I was wondering why you called me a few weeks ago. I mean it's been on my mind a lot."

"What did I call you at the wrong time? Were you busy fucking Seth? I'm sorry if I ruined the moment."

"Dean? Are you alright," I asked. "I'm trying to focus on my match tonight. Sorry I butt dialed you, I won't do it again, promise." He pat me on the shoulder and left.

Dean's POV:

"I need you."

"Hey man, what do you need?" Roman said walking behind me. "A beer," I said making him laugh. "Ah! I got just the cure for that!"


Roman and I ordered three beers. Enough for us to forget about the shit at work and any other thing that was bothering us. "So tell me about your death matches," Roman said. "One time, I got thrown over the fucking rope, landed on a fucking table, and what happened next? Oh yeah the bitch punches full on with no warning, let me tell you we got insane but it was amazing." 

"It sounds like it. You know what else is amazing," Roman stuttered. "What's that? The fact that you can't stop talking even when you aren't able to talk?"

Roman laughed almost falling out of his seat. "Shut up, no the fact that Dani hasn't found out yet about Seth. They've been living together for what, 6 weeks? You would think she would do th-"

"Wait! What the fuck are you talking about? I don't know man maybe you drank too much." I said grabbing his forearm.

"What, I'm not drunk. Check this out, I was walking into the locker room and I got in my bag and glanced up and saw Seth texting some girl, I saw some messages, seen some pictures, it doesn't look good."

"Huh," I mumbled nodding. "Let her figure it out for herself."

"Damn Ambrose! Thought you'd be running now and catching up to tell her. You finally through with her?"

I nodded taking in the last sip of my beer before getting ready to leave. "Catch ya tomorrow." I said. "Tell Dani I said hi," he yelled. "Will do," I yelled back.

Dani's POV:

"Do you really have to go, just stay until I finish Smackdown."

"I really do, I gotta go train, Marek will be out this week. I love you." Seth said kissing me. "I love you more. Can you call me tomorrow," I asked running my fingers through his hair. "You know I will." He kissed me one last time before leaving.

I laid on the bed taking a deep breath. I was gonna miss Seth so much. Even though I'd see him at home on Wednesday. (Knock on door)

"Really? Can't a girl be sad?" I said opening the door. "Dean? What are you do-"

Dean POV:

"What are you do-"

I just wanted her lips to be on mine. She didn't need to finish her sentence. "Oh and by the way, Roman said hi," I said. She kissed me back. "Tell him I don't care," she said. I chuckled before pressing her body up against the wall. "I miss you," I said. "Prove it," she said. "I unbuckled my belt as Dani pulled them down. I picked her up and kissed her neck. She took off her shirt pulling her bra strap down. I pulled off my shirt as her legs pushed me deeper into her.

Dani POV:

I moaned softly feeling him thrust in me. "Uh Dean, you always knew how to excite," I said. "Only for you," he said. I bit his lip as I hit my head against the wall but didn't care. I just glad to be with Dean.


I wake up to the sight of Dean's scruffy hair in my face. I love the smell of it. "Good morning," he said kissing my nose. "You stayed here all night," I asked. "I wasn't gonna leave," he said. "I know you wouldn't. But you never know. Wanna get breakfast," I asked. "In a little, you woke me up," he said.

"So, when can we do this again," he asked.

I looked away for a minute. "Soon. Promise."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And yes, I am putting Zahra in this. Thanks for reading!!!!

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