Chapter 21

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Last week carries foggy memories. I don't remember what happened really, it was all so fast that I didn't catch it. All I remember really is waking up to Dean. I don't remember the rest.

Today we are meeting for coffee, he might know some more stuff than I do considering he did come to my hotel room, at least I think he did.

I saw his rental car already at the café. Danielle, you can do this. Just walk in, say your hello, and get straight to business.

Dean was already sitting down with two coffees at the table. He always knew my favorite drink so I'm not surprised he bought it.

"Hey," he said hugging me and kissing me on my forehead. He pulled my chair out, I still have no idea what to say.

We sat down and stared for a few minutes, pondering what we should say next. I didn't know if I should grab his hand or not be affectionate, it was only a week ago that we might've had our first encounter in months. "So, how's it been going? How's the living situation going," he asked.

"Well, it's going," I said forcing a smile on my face. "That's good," he said.

I sipped my coffee. There was long silence that I could tell, needed to be stopped.

"Okay, that's it, you know why I called you here, right?"

Dean nodded taking a sip of his coffee. "I believe so, yes," he said.

"Last week, what happened?" I asked.

"What do you mean," he smirked. I could tell he was playing games.

"This is no time for laughing. What happened between us? Did we?"

"Yeah we did," he said. "I hope you're not too mad at me even though you did play a role in it too."

"I feel bad for Seth, he needs to know. And I'm not mad, I just needed to know. Do you remember anything that happened that night?"

"Well, I went to your hotel after having a few drinks with Roman and I found out some stuff and I kinda needed to see you. And I saw you, one thing led to another, next thing you know I'm waking up with you up against me."

"What did you find out," I asked.

Dean POV:

What do I say? Do I tell her right now? I already look like the guilty one. I was midway drunk, I couldn't think straight, Roman might've been lying, I kissed first, the whole night was filled with mistakes.

"Uh, I found out Angela was cheating me. I checked her phone and saw some things that I only should've seen. I was pretty upset and I think I just needed to see you."

"Aw Dean I'm sorry," she said holding my hand. "Did you end things," she asked. "Yeah," I said putting my head down. How could look this girl in the eye and tell her that Seth is cheating, or might be cheating? "Well let's forget about it and enjoy each other's company before your flight." I said.

Seth And Danielle's Home:

"It feels so good to be home," I said setting my stuff in the bedroom and walking back into the living room. "What should we do first?"

Well," Seth began, "I gotta use the bathroom, you put in a movie, and we'll hang out. Okay?" He put his arm around me and kissed me before getting up. I sat up and put in a movie. I noticed Seth forgot to take his phone and it was blowing up with messages. I decided to check it, be snoopy for once.

"Can't wait to see you again. When can we meet? I have no training all next week so hopefully your girl won't need too see you then😂😘"

I began tearing up. Just from reading the one text, there would be multiple, which would tell a whole story. And just like that, everything all made sense.

Everything did. It wasn't Angela who cheated, it was Seth, it is Seth. This whole time Dean knew and it didn't matter now that him and I were together that night because, who knows who has been in my bed with Seth, ew.

I heard the toilet flush and I wiped the tears away. I always thought that Seth was better for me than Dean, but I guess I was wrong, it has been Dean this whole time, but I still love Seth. I'm so conflicted right now.

Seth walked out and dimmed the lights and sat next to me putting his arm around me. "What movie did you put in," he asked. "A classic, you'll see." I said without giving him eye contact.


What do you think? I just wanted to let you know that this is almost the end of the road for this fanfic. I'm sad too. But it's not quite there I've been working hard. I hope you guys enjoy the little drama here and there that I'm placing in it. Sheamus has champion, ew. Anyways thank you guys for reading. Comment what you wanna see next and like and follow!! Thanks for reading!!!!

Twitter: @/ReneeNaeAndAJ
Instagram: @/ambrose_hearteyes

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