Chapter 6

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"Keep your eyes closed."

"If I do, how do I know you won't throw me into a lake?!"

"How the fuck do you know we're by a lake?"

"I can smell the fish."

"Shit! Okay open!"

I opened my eyes and saw a table sitting on a dock that resembled a very fancy picnic. "Awe! Did you do all of this?" I kissed him and held him tightly. I never knew how sweet one guy could be. "Yeah. I never did take you out to lunch."


"So tell me about some of your tattoos," Dean said laying a blanket down and sitting on it. "What do you want to know," I asked cuddling next to him. "Why'd you get them to be exact. I want to know. They're apart of you and now I'm apart of."

I looked at my sleeve and reminisced about all the memories. "Well, this one here is a lotus flower. I always liked these flowers because of their meaning which is gaining wisdom like how it does when it grows out of the mud. This is my dream area, as you can see I have all these quotes beneath it. Then going down to my forearm, I have a mom tattoo of course. Some of these tattoos, I'd rather not talk about," I said showing my skulls and smoke tattoos. "What's this one," he asked. "These are the dates that I will never forget, my first WWE event and the day I got signed with WWE."

"Why do you have so much space after that," he asked. "This will saved for another date. It'll be the day I make my mother proud." Dean kissed and put his arm around me. "You'll make her proud, I already am."


So it wasn't the best chapter in the world but it was a chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll upload on Sunday. Thanks for reading! Let me know what you guys want to see next.

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