Chapter 22

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It has taken a toll for the worst at this point. I can safely say that no matter how hard I tried, Dean and I can't stay away from one another. You name a place, we've probably been in that place.
Everywhere we've tried to see each other, just last week for example.


I was walking to the gorilla still wondering what I was gonna do with Dean and Seth.

"WOAH," I was pulled into a crack between the two walls as my lips were smashed into someone else's. I could tell they were Dean's bye the feel of the jaw and lips.

"Hey babe," I said as he moved his way down my neck. "Hey, I missed you," he said. "I bet," I said letting out a soft moan. "I...gotta go get ready for my match," he said before quickly fixing his face and walking out.

(End of flashback)

There was another time too where I was walking to my car and Dean met me there. I don't think I'm ready to actually be in a relationship with Dean. I love him and all, but I like the sneaking around part, there really isn't much of a commitment which I like. All I can think about all the time though is Seth.

Every time Seth even thinks about trying to be affectionate, I pull away and don't touch him. As much as I want to, it wouldn't be right especially knowing that we both are at fault in the relationship. But that'll all change because tonight, I plan on confronting Seth about everything.


Seth help plan our usual Wednesday thing, pizza and ice cream. So this is where it ends?

"Um Seth," I said sitting up. "What's up," he asked. I took his hand and set it on his lap. "There's something I need to talk about."

He look confused and worried. "What is it? Everything okay at home? Work? Do you need time off?" He asked. I never knew he was always this worried about me. "Um, when you were in the bathroom, your phone went off and I checked it and I found some messages, from you and a," I paused.

"Zahra, her name is Zahra."

"Right," I said. "So how long have you been cheating?"

"Oh god Dani don't start with me. Okay look, it's been going on ever since we moved in with each other, I've been stressed out lately because of you!"

"Me?!" I shouted. "The fuck did I ever do to you?"

"Everything! You changed my life and to be honest you're a lot to handle!"

"Wow Seth, if you weren't ready for me to move in, you should've kept your fucking mouth shut!"

"Then leave! Go back to LA! See if I care!"

I walked away from him and headed to the door. I opened the door and stopped myself, there was one thing I needed to get off my chest before we went our ways. "Oh yeah and by the way, while you've been cheating on me with your, whatever, I've been seeing Dean." And I walked out.

"Wait," Seth yelled as I was halfway towards the elevator. "What," I said.

"Was this all our relationship was, toxic?"

He rested his hands on my shoulders before pulling me into him. "I guess. Maybe we have a love for each other, it just won't work though," I said. "There will be someday for us Dani, but maybe our time isn't now."

"What there isn't a time for it," I sniffled. "Then we'll know. I just want you to be happy." He said.

I looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek. We sat in the hallway and just talked. Maybe Seth and I were suppose to be together at some point and maybe we had a chance, but now it's nothing. All we have now is a friendship and I am okay with that. "So, friends?" I hugged Seth and went back into the apartment.

The Next Day:

"All packed and ready for LA," Seth asked as he loaded the last box onto the moving truck. "I think so, where's my rat," I asked. "Don't worry it's already in your car."

Seth gave a disgusted look, I think he'll miss it most of all. "You sure you don't wanna keep it," I joked. "Fuck no, you need it more than I do."

I hugged him before I left in my car, there was just one place I needed to go before I even touch my place.

"Hey," Dean said. "Don't be like that," I said kissing him. "I thought I'd see you at work."

"I ended things with Seth. Did you do the same?" Dean nodded and pulled me close. "Yeah now we can be together." Dean kissed me on my forehead before hugging me.

For some reason, I just don't feel right about this. I just got out of a relationship a few hours ago, I've been hurt by both men, maybe it's time I just did me. Just me, myself, and I. Maybe Danielle should just be with, Danielle. I'm not ready to be in a relationship again. I pulled away from Dean and just looked at him.

"What," he asked. I exhaled and walked towards the door. "I don't think I'm ready for us to be an "us" again."

Dean looked confused. "I think I just need to be with myself for a while. My mind needs some readjusting and time to, I don't know, be happy again, before all this drama happened."

Dean looked down and turned away. "I guess I can't blame you Danielle. You have been through some deep shit. If that's what you want, then I'm okay. I want you to be happy first, never the other way around."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you," I said.

"I never stopped," he mumbled in my ear.


The next chapter I am uploading next Saturday, I have to start preparing for exams. I wish I didn't have them but they count a lot for my grade. I wanted to thank you guys for reading. I also wanted to say how much withdrawals without being on Raw, like the quality has gone down dramatically.  It's so sad especially seeing Sheamus as champion. I want these 6-9 months to hurry up! I also wanted to rant about a series that I've been watching currently and it's True Blood. OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE SOOKIE AND ALCIDE I HATE BILL EVEN THOUGH HE IS NICE AT TIMES AND ERIC IS IRRELEVANT AND I JUST LOVE IT! I never thought I'd be interested in wolves and vampires but I love this series. It's so good. Sadly I decide to watch it a year after it ends haha. Thanks for reading! 

An Unhinged Love (Dean Ambrose)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora