Chapter 26

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Why is it that every time I'm with a guy, I'm always not ready? Seth, Dean, and even Blake. Blake has been so kind to me and all I did was treat him like shit. Same thing I did with Dean. Dean and I were magic. We knew each other so well and what did I do? I fucked it up. Seth, he was amazing and sweet, but we could never truly be a real couple. If it was Dean all along, why did I taint our love? Why would let it get out of control and bumpy. I don't deserve this, Dean never deserved this, and Blake doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve confusion.

"Blake...I don't love you. I still need time to get to know you and learn about you before I can really say that."

His eyes looked down and he turned away. "You uh, you really don't feel anything?" He turned away.

"Hey," I said rubbing his shoulders. "You didn't think I wanted this? I wanted to be with you in high school. But Blake we were on two different paths, you were a senior and I was a sophomore. There was no way we were ever gonna be together."

"But we're here now. I am willing to risk everything to be with you."

Dean said that to me once. Dean was willing to do anything and everything to make me his and make me happy. He made me feel like I was what he needed to survive.

"You know. A guy said that to me once. And then I cheated on him. I ruined his life. I messed with his feelings. That's exactly what I don't want to do to you. I do not want to mess with your feelings and lead you on. It leaves a love unhinged. There will always be a special place in my heart for you Blake, never forget that."

"I will always love you Danielle. But I think you're right. You need to fix you and this guy's relationship. You guys seem to be in love. But not as much as I love you." Blake pulled me in for a kiss that felt like it was coming from his heart.


"When was the last time you and I had coffee together?" Dean asked handing me my coffee and pulling out my chair.

"I'm not even gonna answer because I don't even remember. It still surprises me when you order my exact order." I said.

"You're not that hard," Dean said putting sugar in his cup. "You like a French vanilla cappuccino with whipped cream. It's my favorite, that's why I remembered." I smirked and took a sip of my coffee.

"You know, I gotta be honest with you. I am no longer dating."

"Really?" Dean said. "I thought Miss Danielle was gonna test it out. What happened?"

"Eh, long story."

"I got time."

I looked up at him and stared in his blue eyes. "I started seeing this guy from high school. He actually had feelings for me for a long time, but I realized I didn't because.."

"Because why?"

"Because I remembered you."

Dean looked confused. "Why me?" He asked.

"Because I remembered what I did to you and what happened afterwards. I didn't want to hurt Blake. I didn't want to have a love tainted."

"I'm confused, Danielle. Wh-what are you trying to say?"

"I'll tell you later, but I actually have to go Dean, thanks for the coffee." I immediately stormed out as the tears rolled down my cheeks. It was still too early.

I ordered pizza at my hotel along with wings. I sat and watched as many movies as I could. It was a comforting night that was long awaited.

(Knock on the door)

"Really? Right at the good part!"

I looked through the peep hole and saw Dean with a couple books. "Just a minute!" I yelled. I looked in the mirror to se pizza sauce all over my shirt, oh my god my fucking shirt, it's his WWE shirt. I wiped the BBQ sauce off my face along with the pizza on my shirt.

I fixed my hair and opened the door. Dean chuckled as he looked down at my shirt. "Nice shirt," he said walking in.

"Thanks. You wanna sit on the bed, only seating I have in this cramped hotel," I laughed.

"Sure. Here are some books, they're ghost stories I figured you'd enjoy."

"Thanks," I said placing them on the end table.

"I don't about you Dani."

"What do you mean," I asked sitting across from him as he leaned on the pillows.

"I mean, you run away from problems that can be solved right then and there. What happened earlier today when we were getting coffee. You wanted to say something."

I exhaled loudly and placed my hand on his thigh. "It's just, I have been in three different relationships that have been amazing. You, Seth, and Blake. You guys have treated me so well and all I did was be a piece of shit."

"You're stupid," Dean said interrupting me. "Excuse me," I said raising my eyebrows.

"Well, you're more stupid than me. You're not the bad guy, Dani. It's too bad we're both stupid when it comes to love."

I looked up at him and just stared. Realizing that my feelings weren't for anyone else but man next to me.

"Maybe I haven't been able to say I love you to someone is because, I haven't fallen outta love with you."

Dean lifted himself up and placed his hand on my neck kissing me hard. I am finally happy.


Sorry it took forever for this to get up. I was just having no motivation and I couldn't figure out a plot but I got one. I also wanted to mention that I'll be uploading the last chapter of this story (SADNESS) on Saturday. I so sad but I'm excited for the next project I have planned. I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!!!

An Unhinged Love (Dean Ambrose)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora