Chapter 25

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"How are you never hurt," Blake asked lugging in all my stuff. "I am, but I'm so used to the pain to the point where if I land the wrong way, my body doesn't care."

"That's weird," he said laying on the bed taking a deep breath. "What is?" I asked.

"Well, we're both athletes, I would assume we would understand what each other's going through, you know?"

"But you're physical contact is much different than mine, it's more deadly," I joked. "Not so much," he argued. "Well, we protect each other where your motivation is grab a ball."

"I guess," he said turning over to his side. He started to caress my face before moving his hand down to my shoulder, pulling me in for another one of his kisses. "I've waited for a long time to do this," he said gently kissing me again. "You sound like I was special," I said laying next to him. "You were, I told you, you saw me differently than most. I like you, Danielle, I really do."

It was weird hearing this from the kid that had sex with every girl in high school, well almost every single girl.

"Now where were we?" He pulled me closer as his lips gently kissed mine. He started exploring my body as he moved his hands to my lower half.

I unzipped his sweatshirt which revealed his tan skin and chiseled abdomen. I felt his shoulder muscles until I reached the top of his pants.

He took my thigh and put me on top of him. He started moving his hands all around my body. He was very touchy feely. As I made my way to his neck, he started moving his hands up to my chest.

"Woah," I said stopping his hands. "Not yet, we're not that far." I went back to his lips. He sat up and began unbuttoning my jeans. "Look." I said panting. "I get it, I really like you too. But I have a little bit more respect for myself than to let some stranger enter me."

"But I'm not a stranger," he said. "You kinda are," I said getting off of him. "Yeah we knew each other in school, but we didn't really know each other."

"So what? You wanna save yourself for marriage? I can wait."

I can't believe I actually heard that coming out of his mouth. Sure it sounded kinda bad, but it's true. I have more respect for myself than to open up that part of my body. I also wanted him to check himself for STDs, guy's a whore.

"No, just for when the time is right and I can trust you, that's all."

"Then I'm okay with it," he said. "Now what do you say we do a little less talking and a little more of this. He began kissing me again and moving to my neck. "No sex," I demanded. "I know," he said.

This morning felt great. I woke up and felt the hair of Blake touching my neck.

I heard him stretch and felt his breath on my cheek.

"It's time to wake up," he said putting his arm around me. "Now's the time, five more minutes." I held his arm to make sure he didn't leave my grasp.

"Actually it's time for me to go."

"You're leaving? How come?" I asked turning. "I have to start conditioning for the season."

"Ew. Why don't you just join a gym?" I asked as he was getting up and putting on a shirt. "It's not that easy," he said smiling. "I'll tell you one day."

He started to open the door and I pushed it shut. "What? Can't say goodbye?" I asked leaning against the door. "Bye," he said.

He started opening the door before pushed it back. "Oh, I see what kind of goodbye you want."

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