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Penn's POV

Before I knew it Hayes has spit all of the protein powder on me. I couldn't even process what happen I run towards the bathroom.

"Penn I'm so sorry I didn't mean too." I hear him cry out through the door separating us.  

"I'll get a towel to wipe it all off." I hear Hayes say. "Penn do you need any help?"

"There's already towels in here, its a bathroom." I respond.

"I'm really sorry can you please forgive me pretty please?"

"Hayes just let me wash this off." I say rather annoyed.  As I come out I see that Hayes is genuinely really worried. I feel bad.

"I'm sorry if I worried you." I say

"Penn I'm really sorry." He says once again.

"Hayes it's fine and besides I think I hear your mom coming up the driveway, I should text my mom to pick me up."


This night was interesting I say to myself. Before I could close my eyes to go to sleep I get a text message assuming that it is from Logan it is actually from Hayes. How'd he get my number? 

Hayes: hey I just wanted to say that I am really sorry

Me: how did you get my number ?

Hayes: my mom gave it to me since she had it ...

Me: oh ok

Hayes: sorry I should probably stop texting you it's really late bye

Me: bye

Hayes's POV

I asked my mom for Penn's number when I asked she gave me a weird look but then eventually gave it to me.

I'm scared to text Penn what if she isn't even up but I decide to go against my nerves. I text her she replies right away. Wow I guess she is up. The convo was pretty boring since we barely knew each other. It was short and sweet. As I climb into bed all I could think about is Penn and if my mom would let her come over again.

lollllll sorry my chapters are so short

but please like and comment it really helps

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