35~ days passed in a blink of eye...

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Days passed in a blink of eye...
Waleed's condition got worse day by day.
He stopped going to work.
He stopped meeting people.
He stopped eating.
He stopped talking.
He stopped smiling.
He stopped doing everything a normal person does...
But one thing, he didn't stop and would never will, and that was loving his beloved wife.
Yes,when he barely spoke, it would be about their child...or it would simply be random compliments about asley...
There was nothing left between the couple except love...
Death was around the corner...it could come any second...
Any second, it can destroy a beautiful home...the life of a beautiful young women...
Why is death so cruel?

Asley's life was no better, she got dark circles and baggy eyes with all the crying...her heart broke into a million pieces after looking at waleed in such a painful condition...
Her hearth broke into a billion pieces when she would think of their child...
She died and lived evry single day...
Life wasn't less cruel to her...
What has she done wrong in all her life?
When did she make ALLAH unhappy?
Why is this happening to her?
What's her fault?
Its either nothing or its everything..

Maya was blessed with two baby girls...one was exactly like feroze and the other was like maya.
The couple was overjoyed...
Maya's life was like a perfect fairy tale.. She hadn't cried in ages...
There was always a smile on her face...
She wasn't worried about a thing in the world..
The so called perfect couple moved in feroze's house with their little princesses....
But every fairy tale, has a villain....and In Maya's happily married life, there was one.
Aisha...a person who was deeply buried behind all her happiness...
A person she might never encounter.
But, lies don't last long...the truth has to come out one day....

Feroze was more than happy to be a father...
He forgot Aisha...his parents...and all the worries...
But whatever he was doing wasn't right.
Aisha was also a women and love is love...marrying someone and dumping them like a piece of garbage isn't something logical and human...
ALLAH has a reward for every good deed and a punish for every bad one...
Feroze won't be able to hide Aisha for long...even though he was fulfilling his promise of keeping maya away from everyone, the truth never stays hidden.
If not now then later, in the next generation, the truth will come out...

Aisha, a broken half, a dumped half, just spent her day calling feroze, but it's been weeks, no answer, no callback!
And there never will be one!
She was about to be the mother of feroze's son...
Her parents refused to keep their daughter as a burden...and her inlaws, yes the same inlaws who loved her, moved her into a one bedroom apartment...yes, in this condition, she was all alone.
ALLAH has his own plans...
And he had made the perfect plan to make these family clash...
But poor Aisha...she suffered from depression...
She wondered how she would be able to raise her son...
Her loving inlaws didn't keep her scared of what will the relatives say?
People change in a blink of eye!
And the world says to love and trust each other!
What love? What trust?

Assalam I alaikum...
I have a valid explination to why I wrote soo little!
First of all, this chapter was a brief narrators point of view!
Second, I have been writing this on the plane.....
Couldn't focus much!
Inshallah once I reach Pakistan, I would try to update, but lovelies, after such a tiring flight, it would take atleast
2 day...
Take care and shower me wid comments!!!
******* do read an amazing dhoombros fanfic called "sacrifice for the sake of love" by a truely brilliant writer mfdiamond *******

Until next time....stay blessed!

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