
331 19 10

Assalam o Alaikum
My sincere apologies to all my lovely readers.
I have been really busy. I know, the word busy is extremely vague so I will give you a genuine reason as to why I am not publishing.
I am an 11th grade high school student studying 12th grade courses. Pretty Stressful!
I have exactly 10 months to work hard and then everything is sealed. My tests, my quizzes, my presentations, my projects everything is sealed...Including my fate...
All of these marks and hard work will be sent out to universities and that's it! It is either a thumbs up for my career or a thumbs down. If any of you have planned to go to medicine and become a doctor you can probably relate to me. It isn't easy. My entire family has put so much hope in me. I cannot let them down. This goes beyond my family members. People I do not personally know properly are coming up to my parents and asking them how are my studies going. They are giving all the extended family members hope as well and now I have started to meet people who have so many expectations from me. I need to get my priorities straight. I want you all to understand me and my situation and support me. I PROMISE you, I will complete this story. TRUST ME. I WILL.
It will be random updates. Not regular. Atleast not until I tell you that it will be regular. Whenever study load gets less you might get an update.
Please. I'm sorry.
But I won't let you guys down. ❤️😘

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