Chapter 3

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Jessa's POV

"Matt?" I said.
"Yes?" He said concerned.
"Do you think that we will still be friends in a few years?" I said looking at the road ahead.
"Jessa of course we are going to be friends in a few years! I will do anything to be friends with you all my life. I would never let my best friend since we were 4 go away so easily" he said stopping at a red light. I only nodded. I pulled out my phone and looked at the picture we took earlier. He posted the one of him kissing my cheek. I looked at the comments and say #Messa. If only that would happen.
"I have great selfie skills" he said noticing I was looking at our picture.
We pulled into the school parking lot.


I look around and try to find Matt. I can't find him anywhere. Finally I walk inside the school building and text him.

J: Where are you?

M: Wait, where are you?

J: Inside the school where are you?

M: I was outside. Now I'm coming to you. I have a surprise!

J: alright I'm sitting on the stairs.

M: I know look up!

I look up and see Matt with his hands behind his back. I stand up and he pulls his hands out and in one hand he has flowers and in the other is a white teddy bear with roses in its hand.
"Oh my god" I jumped up and hugged Matt. We stayed there for a minute. Just staring at each other. All of a sudden he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. I then hear sounds of cameras going off. I look up and see 9 boys I thought I'd never see again. Standing in front of me was Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Carter, Shawn, Jack J, Jack G, Aaron, and Sammy. I run over and hug all of them and Matt does some handshake with them.
"When and why are you guys here?" I ask.
"We got here yesterday because we heard you guys were graduating and didn't want to miss that" Cameron said smiling.
They are all like brothers to me. But Cameron is my favorite because he always knows when something isn't okay and he doesn't stop worrying until I tell him what's wrong and them he makes sure he takes care of it.
"But then we walked over here and saw two love birds making out" Taylor said laughing.
I looked at Matt and he was blushing.
"By the way, We may or may not have all posted them on Instagram and twitter" Nash said.
I got a text message.

M: Meet me outside in 5.

J: Why?

M: Just do it. And I don't care if the boys follow or not.

With that Matt said "I'm going to get fresh air"
I waited a couple minute and said " I'm going to look for Matt"
I walked outside and saw....

A/N Ohhhhh cliffhanger but did you guys like this chapter?!


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