Chapter 11

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Matt's POV

"Which one do you think I should wear?" Jessa said hold a black bikini and a grey bikini.
"Mmm the black one." I said.
"Okay thanks" she said going back to her bedroom.
I got a text message from the one person I really didn't want to talk to. Chelsea.

(C- Chelsea M- Matt)

C: Hey Babe.

M: Don't call me that.

C: Why?

M: Because I don't like you. I can't stand being around you.

C: oh Matt you will regret saying that.

I decided not to text back.
What did she mean by 'you will regret saying that'? I don't know but I am going to have a good day with Jessa today.
"Matt you ready?" Jessa said knocking on my door.
"Yeah come in" she walked in.
"Where is your bathing suit?" I asked her.
"Under my clothes" She said laughing.
"Oh" I said laughing too.
Geez, her laugh was amazing too.
Why is everything about this girl amazing?
"Matt" she said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I said.
"What beach we going to?"
"Um want to go to the one across the street from the school?" I asked.
"Umm Sure" she said looking into my eyes.
Her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and then she leaned in. She started to kiss me and it took a second to kiss back.
It felt like fireworks were going off.
I don't want to hurt her again.
I want her to be mine.
We both pulled away.
"Sorry, I didnt-"
"Its okay" I told her.
She hugged me.
I held her tight and whispered in her ear.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too" she said into my chest.
"Ready to go?" I said holding my hand out for her to hold.
"Yes" she said interlocking our fingers.
I grabbed my keys and opened the passenger door for her.
"Thanks" she said letting go of my hand and getting in.
I got into the car and started to drive.

Jessa's POV

Do you know that feeling you have when you are with someone you love and you are just happy?
Well, its a good feeling.
I felt something warm on my thigh so I looked down and saw Matt's hand. I put my hand over his and he smiled.
It was silent except for the slight sound of the radio.
The beach is like a half hour away.
We used to live closer but then Matt and I moved in together and the house we wanted was a half hour away from the school. We were going to transfer to another but we graduated this year so they let it go.
My favorite song came on so I turned the radio up and started to sing "Kings and Queens" by SoMo.
When the song was over Matt turned the radio back down.
"You should become like a professional singer like Shawn" he said.
I was always told that I was a good singer but never really believed it.
"Am I really that good?"
"Yeah, why do you think they had you do solos all this year?" He said making a point.
All this year I had teachers telling me that I should do solos and I couldn't turn them down so I always said yes.
"You have a point." My phone started from a number I don't know. I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Jessa Bowen?" A guy said.

"Yes who is this?" I asked.

"Hey my name is Bart, I was wondering if you would like to join Magcon, Magcon is a convention where people get to meet famous viners and youtubers" Bart said.

"Um who else is going to be there?"

"Nash Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Caniff, Carter Reynolds, Jack & Jack, Sammy Wilkinson and possibly you"

"One second" I said and whispered to Matt.
"Are you going to Magcon?" I asked Matt.
"Yes" he said. "Oh okay"

"Yeah I would love to go" I told Bart.

"Okay I will email you details okay?"

"Okay thanks bye"

"Bye" he said and I hung up.

"Who was that?" Matt asked pulling onto the side of the road where the beach is.
"Bart, he asked if I wanted to join Magcon."
"Really?!" Matt asked with a smile on his face.
"Yes" I said smiling back.
"Well, This is amazing!" He said giving me a towel.
"Yeah, Last person to the water is a loser!!" I yelled already running. Matt wasn't far behind but he was still behind me.
"Guess what!" I said.
"What?" Matt said.
"Youre a loser!" I said laughing.
"But I'm your loser" he said putting his hands around my waist.

(Skips to sunset on the beach)

"Can I ask you a question?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
He asked pulling flowers from underneath his towel.
"Yes" I said jumping up and hugging him.
We sat back down on our towels.
Matt started to kiss my back, then that led to my neck so I decided to stop him.
"Yes" he said not stopping.
"Why don't we go home?"
"Okay" he said standing up and grabbing his towel.
I stood up and he grabbed my hand.
When we got in the car Matt put his hand higher up my thigh which sent shivers down my body.
I put my hand over his and moved it down.
"Youre gorgeous"
"Thanks pretty boy"
"What else am I" Matt said with a smirk on his face.
"Hmm let me think."
"Am I hot?" He asked.
"Hmm I don't know."
The ride was silent except for a small talk here and there. We finally pulled into the driveway.
"Matt I have got my answer!"
"To what?"
"Yes you are hot" I said smiling.
"So are you." He said kissing me then getting out of the car.
I got out of the car and walked up to the front door and unlocked it with Matt following.
Right after I shut and locked the front door Matt pinned me up against the door and roughly kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair and slightly pulled and he let out a slight moan.
"Jump" he said.
I jumped up and he caught me still kissing me.
We started walking up the stairs and into his bedroom.

A/N Okayy then. So #Mesaa!!! Comment how you liked this Chapter and any suggestions.


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