Chapter 19

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Matt's POV

"So you're back with that girl?"


"But you said I was better"

"I need to go Jessa is coming"

"Leave her for Cam and come to me instead"

"No now bye"

"Whatever bye"

Carter's POV

Matt was on the phone in the hallway and I heard the whole conversation. How could he do that to an amazing girl like Jessa? Cam honestly deserves her more than him.

Cameron's POV

I walked Jessa out of her room.
"I signed the papers" I said.
"Thanks" she said looking at the ground.
"Are you still coming on tour with us?"
"Yes!" She said looking at me with a smile on her face.
I love how she gets so happy knowing that she can meet them. She is one of the most prettiest girls I have seen that doesn't care how she looks, she could have bedhead and still look perfect. She doesn't care if she looks stupid doing something she loves. I absolutely love how she puts other people above herself. If one of her fans were in the hospital and she found out about it, she would go to the hospital and visit them and bring them flowers. Trust me she did it before.
"Cameron!!" Jessa said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh sorry what."
"Can we sit down, I have a headache." Jessa said.
"Yes come one."

Matt's POV

I walked out into the waiting room and saw Cameron sitting next to Jessa. Carter gave me the death glare so I walked over to him.
"Dude what was that for?" I said.
"I know what you did." He said leaving me confused.
I walked over to Sammy.
"Do you know why Carter just walked away from me?"
"Dude you really messed up this time." Sammy said getting up and walking away.
What was going on? Hopefully no one knows about Elizabeth. Is that what they are talking about? Did they hear me?
I walked over to Nash.
"Why is everyone telling me I messed up?" I said standing in front of Nash so he couldn't leave like everyone else.
"Because you did. You want to talk to a girl and tell her how she was better than Jessa. I just want to let you know that no one is better than Jessa, even though you may not know it because you go around talking to other girls like the mean everything. Jessa puts everyone above her, she makes sure everyone is okay, her face lights up when you talk about her fans and how they can't wait to meet her because she can't wait to meet them, So yeah Matt that is why everyone is telling you that you messed up because Carter hearsd you and told us all to watch out for Jessa cause she would do that for us too." He said pushing me out of the way and went to Jessa because she was crying.
"Did you all hear that?" I said quietly.
"Yes we did. Dude you need to stop. You broke her heart to many times." Cameron said.

Jessa's POV

"How could someone be so heartless?" I said into Cameron's chest.
"I have no idea" he said.

We were still in the waiting room. Matt left because the guys forced him to leave.
"Jessa, stop crying, it will all be okay, you are too pretty to cry, he is a butthole anyways" Nash said sitting in front of me.

Thanks for reading!!!!

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