Chapter 12

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Matt's POV

I laid her on the bed not breaking the kiss.
I tugged on the hem of her shirt.
She nodded.
I took her shirt off and then mine.
I kissed her and then tugged on the hem of her pants but she put her hand over mine.
"I don't think I'm ready yet" she said.
I picked her shirt up and handed it to her.
I didn't put mine on though.
I laid on the bed next to her and she put her head in my chest again and I put my arm around her.
"I- I love you"
"I love you too" I said kissing her forehead.
"Goodnight Matt" she said.
"Goodnight Princess"

Jessa's POV

"Goodnight Princess" was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

I heard screaming and crying outside so I got up and ran. I saw 3 cars crashes in the middle of the road one of them looked like my mother's.
I ran up to the car and saw my mother not breathing. She looked lifeless. I looked into the other cars and saw no one.
I went back to my mom and started crying.
"Why? Mom? Mom Please answer!!" I screamed.
I was crying and screaming. When I felt someone shaking me. That's when I woke up.

It was just a dream. How can a dream look and feel so real?
"Hey are you okay?" Matt said with a worried look on his face.
I hugged him and he rubbed my back.
"What happened?" He asked.
"In my dream, there was a 3 car accident. One of the cars looked like my mother's so I looked in it and my mother was dead. It was horrible and I looked into the other cars and no one was in there. I started screaming and crying then I woke up." I said tears falling out.
"I'm so sorry" Matt said still rubbing my back.
"Hey, did you get the email from Bart?" Matt said.
I checked my phone and I did have an email.
"We are leaving in two days to go to L.A.!!" I said.
"Yeahhh, we are going on a tour so pack for a while cause we won't be back for a month. We will be staying in hotels"Matt said.
" so pack all my stuff and wash it there?" I asked.
"Pretty much" Matt shrugged.
"Alright, I'm going to go pack now then" I said walking out of the room.
I had 6 messages.

2 messages from Cammmm

1 message from Nashty

1 message from Cartah

2 messages from Tay Tay


Cammmm: Hey Jessa Why aren't you talking to me.

Cammmm: that was a fan Jessa, please text me!

J: whatever Cameron


Nashty: Hey Jessa I heard you were going on tour! Can't wait!

J: me either


Cartah: So, You going on tour with us? Hello elevator buddy!

J: Omg


Tay Tay: Hey, sorry for the misunderstanding but Cam was kissing a fan and we all thought it wasn't please don't be mad at either of us.

Tay Tay: I'm really sorry!

J:omg Taylor.. I have something to tell you.

Tay Tay: what?

J: I'm dating Matt

Tay Tay: oh geez

"Oh my god" I said.

Cam's POV

Why is she mad? It was a stage kiss. It was a fan.
"Hey Cam, you may want to sit down" Taylor said.
"What Taylor?" I said annoyed.
"Jessa is dating Matt..." He sounded upset.
"No, that can't be true."
"Dude I'm really sorry it was my fault the guys told me to tell her so I did if I didn't she would be with you and not Matt" Taylor said upset.
"Taylor its fine, I can't be mad at anyone for this... Except myself."

**knock knock**

"I'll get it" I said.
I opened the door.
"Cam we need to talk"
"Jessa, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry" she said.
Why was she sorry?
"For not going on that date with you, not believing you."
"Jessa its fine, you are still my favorite, my little sister okay?" I said hugging her because she had tears in her eyes.
"I have good news!" She said.
"What?" I said.
"I'm going on tour with you guys!!" She said and I smiled.
This is going to be the best tour ever.

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