Chapter 8

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Carter's POV

I walked into Cam and Nash's room and I saw Nash watching TV and Cam was on his phone. When I walked in Cam looked at me like I was crazy.
"Dude where is Jessa?" Cam said.
"Don't worry she is not alone... Matt is there... He came to give her clothes, don't worry she texted him" Cam looked upset and put his shoes on.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked Cam.
"To go see Jessa" Cam said grabbing his phone and running out the door.

Jessa's POV

I told Matt that we could be friends again, but I was still mad and he was okay with that. We talked a little and I told him that Cam and I are getting closer. He said that he was happy that I was happy. After that he got a call from his mom and she needed him home because she doesn't feel good. Trust me I know he isn't lying because the phone was on speaker. We hugged and said bye. A second after Matt left there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Cam standing at the door.
"Hey" he said.
"Do you wanna come in?"
He walked in and sat on my bed.
"You have question don't you." I asked Cameron.
"Yes, I asked Matt some and I just want to know the truth."
He paused. "Did you and Matt do anything?"
I told him everything from the minute Matt walked in until the minute Matt walked out. When I finished Cam smiled.
"What are you smiling about you goof?"
"You talked about me to him"
"Oh my god Cameron."
"What? I thought it was cute"
I looked down and blushed then covered my face. Cam then moved my hands and pushed my chin up.
"Its cute when you blush"
"Well, I'm blushing more now" I said laughing with Cam.
"Want to watch a movie?" Cam said jumping on Carter's bed.
"Can I pick?" I asked.
"Mmm I guess" Cam said.
"How about this?" I said holding Frozen up.
"Mm it depends" Cam said.
"What is it now?"
"I want a hug" Cam said smiling like a goof again.
I got up and hugged him.
"Now we can watch it" Cam said.
"Okay, pause it when it gets to the beginning I'm going to get changed."
I looked in my bag and saw that Matt only packed shorts and more shorts. He also packed stuff for during the day but nothing comfy to wear so I got up and looked in Carter's bag.
"Why are you in Carter's bag?"
"I need sweatpants" I said pulling out a pair that said 'Carter Reynolds' on them.
"Cam, do you have any sweats cause his are boring" I said complaining.
"Yeah take these" he said taking a pair from the bag he brought.
After I got changed I looked in the mirror and put my hair in a messy bun I had to admit I looked good. I took a mirror selfie and posted it on twitter.

@jessabowen3: Wearing @camerondallas sweatpants. *photo*

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Cam had a notification on his phone.
"Cam why do you have my notifications on?"
"Becauseee" he said pressing play on the TV remote.
It got to the part where Olaf said
"Some people are worth melting for" and I looked up to Cam and he looked at me and said
"I would melt for you."
I smiled and said it back to him.
"Jessa?" Cam asked.
"Yes Cam."
"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"
My stomach had butterflies in them.
"Yes" I said.
I moved towards Cam and put my head on his chest. He put his arm around me pulling me closer. I felt safe in his arms.
Before I fell asleep I felt him kiss my forehead. With that I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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