Chapter 28

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Cameron's POV

We all ran on the stage. Music was playing and we were all having fun. I saw Jessa taking pictures with fans. She smiled in every picture. Gosh her smile is Perfect. She finally was finished taking pictures and she walked over to Matt. I think Matt and Jessa would be cute but he needs to stop messing up. Sure, I still like her, but when Jessa is near Matt they both are really happy. Jessa and I can be friends. I just want her to be happy.

Matt's POV

The show is crazy! Jessa is having fun and everyone is happy. Jessa and I are becoming close again. I just want her to know that I am trying my best to not mess up again. It is time to get off the stage so Shawn can sing. I walked backstage and jumped onto the couch when Cameron came over.
"Hey Matty boy" he said laughing.
"Why did you call me that?" I said laughing.
"I don't know, but I see you and Jessa are getting close again" he said. I smiled thinking of Jessa.
"Yeah, we are" is all I could say.
"Just don't mess up again" he smiled and walked away.
That was weird because I thought he liked her but, if he doesn't like her, that's fine. Jessa walked over and sat down with two pieces of pizza in her hand.
"Here" she said handing me a piece.
"Thanks" I said taking a bite.
"So the show is going great"
"Yeah, it is even better because you are here" I said.
She walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and we stayed there for a while.
"Matt" she finally said.
"No matter what happens will we still be friends?"
"Of course, I couldn't loose you, you make me happy" I said.
"Promise?" She said holding her pinky out.
I smiled, "promise".
" guys time for the q and a" Nash said running back on stage.
Jessa and I walked on stage together and sat down.
"First question" Cameron said and pointed at a girl in the back.
"This is for Shawn, how does it feel to be living your dream?"
"Umm, it is pretty cool going around doing what you love" he said.
"This is for Nash, can we be best friends?" We all laughed.
"Yeah of course" he said.
"This is for Matt, Are you and Jessa dating" now it is time for my question for Jessa.
"Jessa will you be my girlfriend?" She looked at me surprised.
"Of course" she smiled.
"So to answer your question, yes" I said and smiled.
Jessa moved closer and I grabbed her hand.
After a couple more questions we all went backstage before the meet and greet.
"Good job Matt" Cameron said and patted my back.
Jessa came over and looked at me.
"Hi" I said and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Hi" she said.
"I missed you" I said and put my head on hers.
"I missed you more" she said.
"That's not possible."
"Yes it is" she said.
"Are you sure?" I said and started tickling her.
"Matt stop" she said laughing.
"Ooh get it Matt" Taylor screamed.
Jessa and I started laughing. After we stopped laughing I got up and laid on her.
"Matt you are breaking my legs" she said trying to push me off.
"Are you trying to say I'm fat"
"Yes get up" she said and I laid there.
"Matt you are hurting me" she said.
I got up and faced her. I pulled her closer to me, I looked into her eyes and leaned in. My lips crashed onto hers. Oh how I missed her soft lips. She kissed back. We pulled away and all we did was stare at each other.
"I-I think I love you" I said.
"I love you too" she said and she hugged me again.

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