Chapter 26

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Matt's POV

I really messed up for good this time. She is never going to like me again. I remember when she asked me if we were going to be friends in a couple years and I said yes, but I guess that is something else I broke. I just want her to know that whatever happens I will be there for her. God, I still love her. I decided to get up and get dressed. I looked in the mirror and I looked horrible and we have a show today. I grabbed a sweatshirt and walked to the elevator. I remember when everyone was in the elevator and Carter was scared. The elevator stopped and I walked outside to the street. I walked to Starbucks that was just across the street. I saw Jessa. Why is she here? I decided to act like I didn't see her and just kept walking to the counter.
"How may I help you" A girl named Erica asked.
"An everything bagel with bacon egg and cheese on it." I said and she walked into the kitchen.
"Here is your order and I just want you to know I'm a huge fan and you and Jessa make a great couple." She said.
"Thanks" is all I said after I handed her the money. I hope Jessa didn't hear that.

Jessa's POV

I saw Matt walk in and he looked horrible. Is that because of what happened?
"You and Jessa make a great couple " I turned around and looked at the girl. I heard him say 'thanks' in a very low voice and it sounded like he was going to cry. I wanted to get up and see if he was okay but, we are over. I saw him sit all the way on the other side of the room but he was across from my table. I acted like I didn't see him. I looked back over and I saw a tear come out of his eye but he quickly wipes it away. I got up and walked over.
"Please don't cry" I said sitting down.
"Why did you come over?" He asked.
"Because" I said.
"I'm really sorry" he said.
"I'm sorry too, but that doesn't mean everything is the same anymore." I said.
"I know, I will try to fix everything." He said.
"Just don't break what you fixed." I said.
"I messed up bad Jessa, you mean the world to me and I just let you go, I promised we would be friends no matter what and I'm breaking that every time we get closer. I just want you to know that no matter what happens I will always care for you, and if you want Cameron now go ahead because I don't expect you to come back to me." He said and started crying again.
He put his head on the table along with his arms. I grabbed his hand and held it.
"Matt, please don't cry" I said.
He didn't answer he just picked his head up and looked at me.
"Jessa, I think I love you"
"Its okay if you don't say it back, I'm just telling you that I think I love you, but I think we should get going because the show starts in 3 hours."
"Okay." I said getting up.
We walked out of Starbucks and across the street into the lobby. There were fans everywhere so we ended up having to go through the back door. When we got up to our floor I said bye to Matt and walked to my room. I looked at my phone and it said I had 3 messages.

Nash- Can is going crazy please text him back

Me- okay in a min

Cam- Jessa where are you?

Cam- Jessa please answer me before I call the cops

Me- I'm alive I just came back from Starbucks

I didn't tell him I was with Matt at Starbucks because he would go crazy and kill everyone. I got dressed (photo) and straighted my hair. I put a little bit of makeup on and decided to watch TV until we had to go.

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