Chapter 6

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Jessa's POV

I walk out into the main hallway and see Matt with Chelsea. As soon as Matt sees me he comes towards me. By now all the guys know about what happened so when they saw Matt come towards they all tensed up especially Cam.
"Jessa-" Matt started.
"Dude go back over there" Nash said.
"No I need to talk to her"
"Please go baçk over there" Carter said.
Cameron's jaw and fists were clenched.
"Can I just talk to her?"
"Dude I would go over there before anything happens, you just caused this beautiful girl to cry and now you are going to come over here and act like everything is fine? No go back over there" Cameron said not letting his eyes leave Matt until Matt was sitting next to Chelsea again.
"Jessa are you okay?" Nash, Carter, and Cameron said at the same time.
"Yeah, I will be" they all hugged me but Cam just left his arms around my waist. I had to admit, I could stay like this all day.
"Hey guys there is a party at Sammy's house tomorrow! He lives out here so we won't have to travel far" Jack G said. I looked up at Cam and he nodded his head yes.
"Yeah what time?" I said.
"5, see you there" Jack G said and walked away.
I got a text message on my phone. It was Matt. I decided to open it since I can't just ignore him.

M: I'm really sorry. I know I shouldn't have kissed her. Please forgive me!

M: I know you are reading these...

M: please just answer!

J: if you were really sorry you wouldn't have brought my ENEMY back with you after you kissed her. I'm sorry Matt but I can't forgive you yet.

M: can we talk at home?

J: no I'm not going home, I'm staying with the boys.

M: Oh. Are you going to the hotel?

J: I don't know. Why?

M: because I just wanted to know.

I hated being mad but what else can I do. Say it was a mistake and there we go happy ever after running into the sunset? No, he kissed her and decided to bring her back in here with him.

J: Bye Matt

M: Please don't go I want to talk to you

J: maybe another time...

M: but.. Never mind... Bye Jessa♥

He really just sent me a heart? Who does that? Oh yeah I'm going to kiss the person you hate and then send you a heart. I decided not to answer him and just get ready to leave because it was getting late.
"You ready?" Taylor said walking next to me.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" I said laughing along with Taylor.
After Matt, Taylor and I met when we were 5, Taylor and I didn't hang out a lot but we were still friends and he would always stand up for me. He still lives out here but goes to L.A. a lot. He stood up for me when people made jokes about me. 10th grade was the worst but Taylor was there to help me.
"Who's room are you staying in?" Taylor said.
"I don't know I will figure out when we get there" I said and Taylor just nodded.
(Skips ride to hotel)
We arrived and we had to take the elevator. Apparently, Carter is scared of elevators and I was standing next to him so the whole time he was holding my arm. I laughed at him and he just looked at me.
"You think this is funny?" He said laughing with a scared look on his face.
"Yes I do" I said still laughing.
We all walked out of the elevator and Carter was still next to me.
"Sorry for your arm" he said.
"Its cool, I mean I have a bruise but I mean, it was pretty funny" Carter just laughed when I said that.
"Okay" Jack G said.
"Taylor and Shawn are sharing a room and so is Cameron and Nash, Sammy and Aaron, Jack and I, Carter and Jessa" Jack G finished.
"Hey roomie!" Carter said.
"Are you scared of sleeping too?" I said making fun of how he is scared of elevators.
"No" he said laughing.
Cameron walked over.
"Will you be okay or do you want to sleep in my room with Nash and I?" Cam said.
"I think I will be fine, besides we are only sleeping, we will all hang out, go to our rooms and sleep, wake up and we will all hang out again." I said and Cameron just nodded.
We all went to our rooms to unpack. That's when I realized I had no clothes. So I pulled out my phone and texted someone I really didn't want to.

J: heyy Matt can you bring me some clothes?

M: sure

M: I'm sorry

J: its okay, just don't expect everything to be fine now.

M: okay what is your room number

J: 252B

M: okay I will be there in a minute

A/N OK so, how did you like this chapter. And who do you guys think Jessa should be with?






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