Chapter 27

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Jessa's POV

I got up to get the door.
"Time to go" Carter said and I saw all of the other guys too. I grabbed my phone and my keys and locked the door.
"Let's go!!"

Matt's POV

Jessa looked amazing. I tried to look nice (photo). Her smile lights up the whole world. She looked so happy when we said it was time to go. We had two cars. Me, Cameron, Nash, Jessa and Carter in one car and the rest of the guys in the other car. I sat next to Jessa and Jessa was next to the window. Carter was in the front and Cameron was driving. Jessa put her head on my shoulder.
"I miss you" I whispered in her ear. She shivered.
"I don't want to mess up again" she whispered.
"I will prove that I won't mess up" I whispered and she shivered again. I put my arm around her and she held my other hand. We finally arrived and we all got out.

Jessa's POV

We got inside and it was huge. They had a game room, a fridge full of food, a mini fridge full of drinks, three couches, two chairs, and a chocolate fountain. I saw Matt walking over.
"Jessa I got you a chocolate covered strawberry!!" He said smiling.
"Thanks" I said sitting down on the couch.
He sat right next to me.
"Is it good?" He asked.
"Yeah why?"
"Because strawberries are your favorite." He said.
"The only time I said that was in 2nd grade" I said surprised.
"I remembered" he said smiling.
"I thought you weren't even listening"
"Why wouldn't I listen to you, I liked you" he said smiling.
"Youre smile could light up this room" I said.
"Youre smile could light up the world." He said.
"Thanks" I said laying down on the couch.
He picked my head up and put it on his lap and started playing with my hair.
"Remember when I always did your hair when we were like 8" he said.
"Yeah I also remember when you got a knot in my hair and I had to cut my hair." I said laughing.
"Yeah, that was funny" he said.
"Time for that show" the show director said.

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