Chapter 24

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Matt's POV

"Yes" Jessa said hugging me.
"Oh my god really?!" I said spinning her around.
"Yes Matt" she said.

Cameron's POV

I woke up and Jessa wasn't there. I checked my phone. Nothing. Maybe she is in one of the guys room. I got up and opened the door. I walked down the hall and opened my door. Everyone was in there. Except Matt and Jessa. Where is she?
"Hey what's up Cam" Nash said.
"Where's Jessa" I asked rubbing my eyes trying to wake up.
"With Matt" He said.
Why is she with him? I knew they forgave each other but, she didnt say nothing to me.

Jessa's POV

We got back in Matt's car and started driving back to the hotel.
*Skip Ride*
We got to the hotel and I opened my door and grabbed my things. I wish he opened the door like Cameron always did. Oh what am I saying anymore, I'm with Matt not Cameron. When we got in the hotel I took the elevator. Matt wanted to take the stairs because he says he is scared of elevators. I remember when Carter was scared to death because of them. I got to our floor and went into Nash and Cameron's room because I heard everyone talking. As soon as I went in everyone stopped talking and stared at me.
"Take a picture it lasts longer" I said laughing. A whole bunch of them took out their phones.
"I was just kidding" I said covering my face with my hand.
Matt walked in at that moment.
"Hey guys" he said and sat down.
I walked over and sat on the chair. Matt whispered something to Carter and he gave Matt a high five. What are they talking about? Eh, probably nothing important.
"Jessa" Cameron said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry were you talking?" I asked.
"No I just asked if you were okay."
"Yeah I'm fine" I said and smiled.
"Are you sure? You looked like you-" I cut him off.
"Matt and I are dating again." I said and he stared at me.
"Even after everything he did?" He asked annoyed.
"Yeah, he has been a lot nicer to me" I said.
"Well, if he does anything to you, you can always talk to ms, just know that." He said getting up and walking away.
"You okay babe" Matt said sitting next to me.
"Yeah just fine" I said holding his hand.
Cameron looked over a couple times and smiled at me but when he saw Matt his smile disappeared. What is going on? Did Matt do something to him? Did I do something? So many things were running through my head.
"Hey Jessa want to come with me to get pizza?" Nash asked.
"Yeah sure!" I said getting up.
I walked out of the hotel room.
"Are you okay Jessa?"
"Yeah why is everyone asking me that?"
"Because you don't look like you are. You are being quiet."
"Yeah, I guess I'm not totally fine." I said.
"Tell me what's going on." He said with a concerned voice.
"Well, Matt and I are dating, but I don't think I like him like that."
"Give it a couple days, if you still don't like him like that, tell him, if you begin to like him again, stay with him." Nash said laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked.
"Because your face when I said tell him was like 'how the fuck'" he said laughing harder.
"Well, I don't want to upset him if it happens. We just started talking again." I said laughing a little.
"Well, things will work out in the end."

Matt's POV

Jessa has been with Nash a while. I wonder what is going on. Does Nash like her? Is she using me? Jessa wouldn't do that. Would she? Cameron has been eyeing her down and smiling at her all night, he doesn't get it does he.

3 days ago

"Stay away from Jessa" I said.
"Why she is mad at you. You broke her and I'm fixing her" Cameron said.
"Well She is mine not yours" I said pushing him back.
He came back at me and pushed me to the ground. I got a big scrape on my back.
"Don't touch her" I said.
"Why? I don't want to hurt her, god Matt I love Jessa, but she is stuck on some stupid kid, she loves you what don't you get, it hurts so bad when I see her because I know she is in love with someone else" he says rubbing his eyes.
"Well, that's good because that means you won't have her" I said walking away.

End of Flashback

Well that's confusing. Sorry for not writing in a long time. I was busy.

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