Evil Rabbits

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Cupa walks in and notices that Herobrine is taking care of Emma. She says "Uhh... I'm going farming now." She runs out the door and near the farm. Herobrine looks at Emma and notices that she has fallen asleep on him. Herobrine smiles and looks at Emma resting peacefully on his shoulder. "This is the happiest moment of my life." Herobrine thinks.
While Emma is asleep, Cupa pulls the last piece of wheat out of the garden. She walks to her carrots and notices that rabbits have been eating her carrots. She hisses a creeper hiss in anger, and gets a pumpkin. She gets a fence and sticks the pumpkin head on top. "There, the perfect scarecrow." Cupa says as she smiles at her creation. She looks at her carrots to see, the rabbit. "STOP EATING MY CARROTS!" She screams as she runs to the rabbit. The rabbit runs off. She turns around to start getting her potatoes, when she looks back at her carrots, the rabbit was there. Cupa just said "I can't deal with this." And decides to walk inside. She looks to where Emma and Herobrine were. They were not there.
It was because Herobrine carried Emma to her bed and tucked her in. He walks out of her room, smiling, and blushing.

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